Chapter 2

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oO Northuldran Lands Oo

Joyous stomach-pain inducing laughter filled the table, Elsa herself found it difficult to hold in her own mirth as she watched the two siblings beside her. A brief flicker of sadness fluttering over her thoughts as she observed the pair; had things been different, could she and Anna have shared the same kinship?

"I had mud in my nose for weeks! I could hardly breathe to talk!" Ryder let out another belt of laughter as he finished his heroing tale of his first time riding a reindeer. A most amusing tale to be heard.

"Mum and Dad were searching for weeks to find the source of the smell! You remember when they actually tore up the matting in the hut in their search?" Honeymaren's own face was red with her happiness, her eyes shining like the night sky.

"Remember? I had to throw all of it on the fire while you were turning purple to stop from laughing!" Ryder let out another small bit of laughter before turning his attention towards the guest of honor, his brows turning as he watched Elsa's face flush with her modest, 'polite' jolts of laughter, "What about you? Surely you have an embarrassing childhood story?"

Elsa's smile faded like ice melting in the spring time sun, a slow breath left her chest but before she was able to speak her focus went to the hand that came to rest over her own, her fingers twitching beyond her command at the gentle contact.

Honeymaren's smile fell just a touch, while Elsa hadn't been exceptionally forth coming about her upbringing, anyone who was observant enough would be able to tell that her past might not have been as pleasant. Her body shifted when the smile fell from Elsa's face, her own eyes turning towards concern. Just as she was about to redirect the conversation away however, a sharp gust of cold wind shot down the table straight towards Elsa.

Elsa's body jolted, not just from falling deep into the darkness of her past but from the whispered words that wisped past her ear—a word of warning. Before she'd even known what she was doing; she found herself on her feet, her sharp blue eyes looking out into the forest, her stance tense as though preparing for battle. Her hands clenched tightly at her sides where a soft mist of ice was beginning to form, "Something's wrong."

No sooner had the words left her mouth had large shapes begun to form from the sides of trees; large, beast-like shapes with glimmers of steel. Her observation was not solely hers to claim, as Yelena had already come to her feet to stand and face the shapes that were now becoming more clear, her stance just as tense as Elsa's own.

"Well, this is a nice welcome and here I thought I'd be turned away." A large man finally took shape out of the wintery fog to stand just to the line of the snow cleared camp. His sharp green eyes immediately landing on the chieftess, "It has been a while."

Honeymaren brought herself up as well, making sure to position herself between Elsa and the men who had come. A cold shiver rolled down her spine when her eyes landed on a small bit of torn paper that had come with the gust of wind, the soft scrawl of the latter half of Elsa's name making her heart beat just a little faster.

"You are not welcome here." Yelena had reclaimed her staff, bringing herself fearlessly in front of the man who dared to speak.

"Oh, come now. Is that the way to greet an old friend?" More men formed behind them, though none of them dared to step much closer, their eyes were sharp and tracking those who slowly rose to their feet.

"We have never been friends, Alrik." More of the tribe had come to stand beside their leader, their eyes and jaws set as the air grew thick around them.

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