Chapter 11

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oO The Black Sea Oo

A soft knock preceded Agnire's entrance into the room and his soft eyes immediately took in the change in position Elsa had moved into. His heart skipped as he quickly closed and locked the door from the inside with one of the many key's he'd secured.

He hastily set down his offerings on a nearby bookcase before moving towards the bed. He had done all he could in regards to fixing Elsa's torn stitches but not wanting to invade too much on her person he'd left her bruises and cracked ribs unattended to. He'd felt them of course, the bottom two, but he had no way of doing anything for them at the time other than letting her rest.

"Agnire...?" Anna woke from her light rest, the soft wisps of Elsa's ragged breaths her lullaby. She was pretty sure she'd lost all use of her hands at this point, the sharp pins and needles that preceded their going numb her only indication. She shifted her shoulders slightly when he came closer, her eyes curled with worry.

Agnire frowned at the horribly twisted position Anna had held herself in, deciding that Elsa wouldn't get any worse for the moment he reached into his pocket and came around to the other side of the bed. Without a word of explanation he leaned his knee onto the bed and took hold of Anna's wrists, her body jolting forward when he released her.

"Ahh...." Anna let out low whining cry as her shoulder popped back into place and the feeling steadily returned, with a burning passion, into her fingertips, "Ow...owowowow...." She very slowly flexed her fingers and rolled her shoulders before hastily crawling across the bed without so much as a backward glance towards Agnire who was now moving just outside of her vision back towards Elsa's side of the bed.

All the moving about made Elsa groan and press her face tighter into the pillow but when soft finger tips took hold of her cheeks she tried to open her eyes. The pain the movement caused did not go unnoticed though Anna's apologies went without response. Elsa simply did not have the energy to speak, instead she forced her eyes to stay open and gave her a weak and tired smile.

"Can you take hers off too?" Anna wanted nothing more than to pull Elsa into the biggest hug she'd ever felt in her entire life. That and she wanted to see for herself what sort of injuries she was suffering from. From what she could tell, they were not good. Her sister never complained and for her to actually admit she was in discomfort of any kind was a new experience for the younger sister.

"No they're...sealed differently..." Agnire avoided touching the rune inlaid manacles and instead followed the length of chain that connected them to the floor, "But I can detach them." He felt lucky when he found the padlock just underneath the edge of the bed, the chain between Elsa's much longer than her sister's for reasons unknown to him. As it was, he was just glad he could help in someway. When he pulled the heavy chain up onto the side of the bed he could see a visible release of tension that lifting the weight caused.

Elsa blinked slowly through the ever shifting bed, her world uneven and without point. She didn't want to move in any direction but the sound of the man's voice was too familiar and so, despite the risk, she turned her head out of the pillow and straight into Agnire's eyes. Her own widened as she distinctly remembered him taking an arrow to the leg to protect Honeymaren.

Agnire offered only a soft smile in response to her silent question before turning back towards the bookcase, "I brought food, tea and medicine..." He began tearing the bread into smaller pieces. "Do you think you can help her sit up?"

Anna nodded her head idly before leaning over to catch Elsa's barely open eyes, "I'll be gentle okay? strong..."

Elsa did her best not to scream, the inside of her cheek taking the blunt of her restraint as Anna moved pillows behind her back. The entire process felt like it took years and when she was finally sitting somewhat higher than her stomach she turned her head into the pillow to try and muffle the sound of her distress.

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