Chapter 10

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oO The Black Sea Oo

Anna woke to an unusual softness beneath her head and a smell she'd rather not smell ever again. Her brow furrowed and her nose scrunched as she tried to block out the smell in exchange for the dull pulse behind her eyelids. It was only when the ringing in her ears subsided and the small twitch of her fingers against silk registered in her brain did she realize she was not where she expected herself to be.

Her eyes snapped open to an eerie moonless darkness, the mountain of a pillow that her face was presently pressed into jolting her heart to near stopping. Her arms that were presently at her back jerked as she tried to push her face from the mattress she now found beneath her. The chain that connected her manacles slammed into her back causing her to cry out as she tried to turn herself over.

A deep pant and some careful pushing brought slack to the chain that seemed to be connected to the center and she was finally able to take in enough light to see the room around her. A bit more creative pushing and scooting allowed her to sit up, her heart thumping in her throat as her eyes adjusted to the new level of light around her. The windows formed at the bow of the ship looked back at her with calm black waters. The moon sitting dark over the horizon, though no longer red it seemed to be in a great shadow.

The room was exuberantly decorated, nauseatingly so. The amount of gold leaf alone would have been enough to feed an entire village for a year. The ghastly colors of white and red mixed together in the tapestries. The large self portrait, it was enough to make Anna want to lose what little she had left in her stomach.

Her eyes widened then, her heart beating three times what should have been livable. He had said-and then...and now...Her head was becoming lighter as she struggled to breathe when the fainest of shines out of the corner of her eye managed to turn her head.

Her words stuck in her throat as she tried to turn, the still form of her sister laying on the far edge raising her fears to knew heights. He hadn't, had he? And what of her? She couldn't feel anything different but what if...what if...?

The chains around her wrists pulled tight, the loud thumping of the metal leaving the wood floor echoing around the room. Her teeth bared as she pushed away the pain, her body stretched as far as it was allowed.

"Elsa...? Elsa can you hear me?" She would have hoped that whatever Agnire had done would have made some difference in her sister's state. Anything at all. Her eyes hastily took in every inch of her body, her clothes, her hair, her hands— Her heart felt too heavy to beat, the metal shining in the last rays of moonlight had been what had caused her to turn. Her hands were completely encased, the weight of the manacles evident by the imprint they left in the sheets as they lay at her turned hips, the chain that connected them nearly as thick as her wrist resting over the arch of her waist, the line of which Anna could assume similarly attached to the floor.

Her body sunk back onto her calves, her legs shifting out from beneath to sit more comfortably. So close, yet so far. A deep breath calmed the ache in her lungs and her chin rested solemnly on her chest.

After a few moments to collect her strength Anna decided that turning her attentions to her own state of being would be a much more productive use of her time. Slowly, she slid herself towards the edge of the bed, giving herself enough slack to raise her hands to her head, the light sting she felt when she pressed her fingers to the gash that had been mended reminded her that she needed to be careful with what she did. The hand that ran down her under armor tunic ensured her that it hadn't been removed and hastily replaced and finally her boots getting solid footing on the floor gave her the courage to raise herself to her feet and properly look around the room.

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