Just as she made the decision that she wanted to wear her magenta fitted dress her door bell rang and she ran to the door. She wasn't expecting anyone, but she had a feeling it was probably her neighbor just checking up on her upon her mom's request. Boy was she wrong as she opened the door to reveal Jada who had been spending a lot of time with her family since graduation.

"Ay girl!" Jada shouted and they both wrapped their arms around each other. Vicki was about to invite Jada in to her second home, but the sight of long black hair and the shortest shorts stopped her. This could only be the one and only Sarah who Vicki didn't even know was friends with Jada. Vicki liked Sarah, but she was someone you could only take in small doses.

"Hey girl!" Sarah said. She waltzed into Vicki's loft with her handbag around her wrist and gave Vicki a half hug before taking a seat on Vicki's couch besides Jada. The girls talked for a bit, and of course Jada spilled some gossip about her family members which Vicki low key missed and laughed at some of her tidbits.

As the conversation died down a smirk came across Sarah's face. A smirk that was a preview to trouble and one Vicki had seen many times before. "What's up with you?" Vicki asked looking Sarah up and down from her silky hair to her brown sandals. Vicki wished she could've at least changed out of her sweats before Sarah came. She wouldn't tell anyone, but she thought Sarah was one of the prettiest and best dressed girls at school. Most people at Marina High school thought this too as Sarah spent a lot of time choosing her outfits next to partying and being her crazy herself. Today she was dressed in a black off the shoulder top and a denim skirt she got from goodwill.

"Nothing I just thought we should have some fun," Sarah said.

Vicki gave her a knowing look. "Isn't that what you're always thinking?"

Jada let out a little laugh. "Yea girl you ain't gotta prove you know how to have fun we already know that." A memory of Sarah in freshmen year stealing bottles of beer from the corner store flashed through Jada's mind making a smile come across her face as she thought of Vicki's face when she took a sip from the beer.

Sarah nodded a few times. "Ok you guys are right, but there's nothing wrong with a little or a lot of fun." Vicki and Jada's eyes were fixated on Sarah as she looked into her glossed bag and began digging through the many items that were in there. After picking up a lip gloss, an empty gum packet, and other random items Sarah found exactly what she was looking for.

She picked up a medium sized plastic baggy that had 3 chocolate brownies that looked like they were from the Ralph's bakery. These of course weren't your sugary sweets that you brought in on your birthday in elementary school , and Vicki and Jada definitely knew this.

"Ooh girl you're on one if you think we're doing edibles," Jada said speaking Vicki's mind.

Sarah's smirk remained and she shook the baggy a little. "I'm not on one but I'm about to be." Sarah looked from Vicki and Jada's hesitant faces and she bit down on her bottom lip. "Come on guys what's the harm, Jada didn't you tell me you were tired of being sober anyway." At that Vicki shot Jada look which she dodged. Jada was tired of being sober, and as her grandma began to lay off on her she thought about weed which was the only drug she did, and she craved that mind altering stuff. Too bad Vicki was on her ass and made sure no drugs entered her system which seems a bit aggressive, but she was just trying to look out for her friend.

"I am tired of being sober, but I know edibles are a whole other story," Jada stated a bit unsure of herself.

"Come on they're not that strong." Sarah's eyes focused on Vicki. "And Vicki just because Vince doesn't smoke doesn't mean you can't let a little stress go once and a while." At that moment all of Vicki's attention went towards Sarah as she mentioned her boyfriend's name. It was true Vince didn't smoke and frowned on those who did explaining why he wouldn't be too happy if he knew she was talking to Sarah who to him was straight trouble and only a girl to steal a glance at when she wore slips as t shirts.

Vicki's whole face scrunched up and a bit of anger came over her. "I don't do drugs, because I don't want to drugs it has nothing to do with Vince." She said these words in a matter of fact manner although she wasn't quite sure of herself , and as she thought about it more she realized she didn't bother with drugs because of Vince. She did and didn't do a lot of things because of Vince, but she loved him dearly and Vince could say the same thing about her.

"Fine you guys are no fun," Sarah said about to put the baggy back in her handbag.

Suddenly something changed in Vicki and out of nowhere she blurted out, "Fuck it, I want one." Jada looked at Vicki with a mixture of confusion and excitement.

Sarah's smirk turned into a big smile at her success in persuading Vicki and Jada. "That's what I'm talking about." She finally opened the baggy and took a sniff as if she was smelling something utterly magnificent, and not some weed brownies. She gave Vicki and Jada a brownie, and took a nibble of her own. As she barely ate a fourth of the brownie being a pro at edibles she looked over at Vicki and Jada checking on them and her mouth flew open. The brownies she gave them were gone and they were both sitting there chewing.

"What's wrong?" Vicki asked swallowing the last bits of the brownie. She saw the worry in Sarah's eyes making her a tad worried.

Sarah tried to hide her look of astonishment and on the inside she dammed herself for not telling them to only nibble. Especially since she didn't get these edibles from a legal dispensary, and instead obtained them from her sketchy friend Derek who had lavender hair and the best party goodies.

"Nothing," Sarah said forcing a smile.

In a matter of minutes Vicki and Jada were spaced and Vicki's loft was spinning to them. Sarah on the other hand was only a tad high and laughing too loudly at how paranoid and out of this world her so called friends were. Vicki had brushed her hair countless times and Jada found amusement in shaking her weave and seeing the bright orange color fly about. As Vicki and Jada were admiring the ceiling a friend called Sarah to pick her up and after saying goodbye multiple times to Vicki and Jada she was out of the door.

"Daya's coming," Vicki said looking at Vince's message that she didn't respond to.

Back to Present times

"So we had brownies?" Jada asks as they were still in the same place.

"Yea," Vicki says.

"And we gave Daya advice."


"Do you think it was good?"

Vicki smiles. "Of course we told her to tell Chase to get that boy to stop groping her."



Jada's face scrunches up. "Shouldn't Daya tell her dread head, and not Chase who she liked last year"

Vicki turns to Jada. "Daya liked Chase?"


"I think it might've been bad advice."



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