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"Noooo way!! Are you kidding with me? How can I help him to take a shower? What's next? Will you ask me to hold his dick to help him to pee?" I was furious. I was terrified. I didn't want to see him naked. Not again.

"Please baby just settle him in the bath tube, put his leg out of it and leave. That's all."


"Do you want me to do instead of you? Because I will." she was threatening. I knew she could do this if I didn't. I shook my head defeatedly. Went to his room without knocking. He was waiting for me. Smiled at me and tried to get up. I was frowning. I hold his arm and helped him to get up. And walked him to the bathroom. 

"So what now? Are you able to took your clothes off or should I do it for you?" I was trying to be calm but he felt the anger in my voice. Just smiled and leaned back to the sink. 

"I can take off my shirt ofcourse but I need help for the bottom. If it is ok with you." said while smirking. He was having fun! My God. He was having fun with me. Be strong Arus said to myself. Kneeled down in front of him and took his sweat pants off. Now he was only with boxers and looking down at me. 

"Maybe it should stay on you, right? I asked hopefully. "You can take shower with it on you."

"I prefer not. It would be better if you took it off." I grumbled. My hands were shaking while I was taking off his boxer and trying to not look his...dick. I finally took it off and as much as I would not like to see his hard member..wait why he was hard now? Mine's twitched.

"Is it so exited for you? Why you are hard now?" I was really angry. 

"Sorry I didn't plan this." said while laughing at me. I took his arm and helped him to the bath tube. He put his one leg inside and I helped him to sit down in it. Gave him the shower head and turned to leave the bathroom.

"Do you know what I hate most?" he asked behind me. 

"What?" I asked without turning my face to him and my hand on the door knob.

"Not the guys who prefer to stay in the closet but the guys who drag their wives along them to that hell."

I froze. I couldn't believe what I heard and panicked.

"Do you... do you know me?

"Of course I do. I might have been slept many guys before but I've never forgotten what they look like.

"But I thought..." It was hard to talk now. 

"You thought I didn't recognize you?" Shook his head. "Not at the first time I saw you but later yes I did recognize you. How come I forget someone unique like you. You are handsome, hot and...timid guy which I didn't understand how can you be timid after I saw the way you had sex with me." he was taking shower while talking to me.

I blushed. I wanted a hole to the deep of the Earth and could hide in it immediately. No I didn't mean that way. Not that Earth. Ohh God. 

"What is your problem? Fooling around with guys in some clubs and then coming home to pretend as the good husband?"

"No. You..were the only one I...slept with. I didn't do it again after you. Neither before you."

"Oh my God! You can't be serious." He was not laughing at me now. "I'm honoured really. So what are you? Gay? Bi? Just curious?"

"I don't have to answer your questions. What we did was a big mistake. Biggest mistake of my life."

"It's not my mistake you know. I am not the one committed to someone. Not the one who lies to his wife."

"It's none of your business. What are you now a moral police or what?"

"I don't know what is moral police but I just feel myself in debt to your wife. She is a good woman. I will always be in debt with her."

"Look. I love my wife. Believe it or not I do love her. I am not obligated to explain myself or my life to you. Especially while you are aggresive about me. Just want you to keep your mouth shut during your stay in my home. Ok?" I asked trying to not sounded like desperate.

"Of course I will. How can you think that I will break her heart? I will not be the one who broke her heart by the truths. It's your business you know?"

"I will not tell her anything. No. I cannot take the risk of breaking up with her."

"We will see...Now help me to get out please." He was waiting for me. I was frozen at the spot by his open threaten. And couldn't think what should I do. Just looked at him by the eyes not see anything.

"Are you a psychopat or what? Why are you threatening me? I did a mistake for once in my life. And didn't even repeat it. As much as my wife helping you, I am helping you too. I let you to stay in my home. Is it your payback?"

He was looking at me without any emotion in his eyes. He must be definitely a psychopat. 

"I am getting cold. Can you please hold my hand to get out of this bathtube? Please?"

I took the towel and throw it to him. And went to help him to step out by holding his arm. I was not aware of his naked body now. It was a nightmare. I was in a nightmare. I helped him to go to the bedroom and left him beside his bed. I turned my back to leave his room. He stopped me by his voice.

"Listen Arus. I was just kidding. I just wanted to play with your fear a little. I will not make any trouble for you. Just relax ok I am not your enemy."

I couldn't believe what he said. He was definetely a psychopat. I turned my head to look at his direction but didn't looked at him. Just left the room without a single word. 

Was he saying the truth or not? Could I believe or trust him? No Arus you couldn't. After all what he said- no threatened- there was no way that I could trust him. And I need to kick him out as soon as possible. I didn't want to live by fear in my own house. It was not possible.

Leila was in the kitchen and I couldn't looked at her. Again. She saw me and looked at me through the kitchen door. I didn't say anything  and stood at his door for a while. He took my breath of life in minutes. I could feel Leila's eyes on me but I had no answers for her questions. I just wished her to turn her back and not look at me.

"Are you ok darling? You look pale. What happened with Earth?" Leila asked finally. 

"Nothing. Just tired. I will take a nap a little bit. Don't worry." I said and found the power to left his door finally. She was still in the kitchen. I needed to get a very good sleep to forgot everything he said. It was not easy though. I just lay on the bed and toss and turn. What if he was a real maniac and talked to Leila about that night just for fun? What kind of fate was this? Why me? People did a lot of bad thing and leave with them easily. I knew what I did was wrong ok I knew it. But I really didn't want to lose my wife, my life, my marriage. It was not important what I felt my whole life. It was not important that I like guys. There was a life I used to live and it was with Leila and I did not want it blowing up. 

What if I told Leila the truth? Would she left me without even thinking? I could say I was drunk and it was not a lie. I mean...not totally. Could I left that club easily after I felt that things going on wrong way? Did I have that power? I could leave. Yes I could felt everything was going to the wrong direction very fast and I was paralyzed. But I could left there if I really wanted to leave. I didn't. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to be inside of him. That fire was started by him and I didn't put out. I wanted to feel a man for once in my life time. I wanted to know what was the taste of fucking a man. I knew I will regret it. I did regret at the moment I put my clothes on just before leave him into his sleep. But I did what I did. 

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