Chapter 45 - Home Is Where The Heart Is (final chapter)

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Chapter 45 - Home Is Where The Heart Is (final chapter)

Kate Beckett's POV

About a week after the event I was finally allowed to get home. My bullet hole was healing in surprising speed and everything looked good so I insisted on getting home as early as I could. My wound still hurt a bit when I moved but I was pretty good at ignoring pain so I barely noticed. Rick had stayed with me every day in the hospital, never leaving my side. The only time he left me was when I insisted on him getting home to get new clothes and to take a shower, other than that he insisted on never leaving my side for even one second. My dad had came in to visit me each day, and Rick had been kind enough to leave us alone for those times too, mostly because he didn't feel like he had any choice. The second day I had been there Lanie and Jenny had finally visited me inside my room and I wasn't so surprised when Lanie hit my arm and said that was because I almost broke the promise I had made about me not getting myself killed. I had been laughing which had ended up with me gasping from the pain in my chest.

"But I didn't technically break the promise" I had defended myself after finally getting rid of the bigger pain.

"No, but almost and you scared the shit out of us" Lanie had replied before both she and Jenny had kissed my cheeks telling me they were happy I was alive.

Rick came into the room while I got out of the bed, I couldn't wait till I could get out of this place. I absolutely hated hospitals, and by now Rick knew I did. He put a bag on the bed before pulling me into a kiss. I kissed him back before he pulled away again.

"If you go get dressed I'll go tell them you're going home" he suggested and I nodded.

He kissed me again before leaving. I got dressed and by the time I was done he came back. We got out of there and he drove to his place. The doctor had said I could go home but only on one condition, I would have to have someone at my side at all times. Rick had immidiately come with the idea of me living at his place and I had agreed without any second thoughts. I looked over at him while he drove. I couldn't believe I was about to kill him once, but I was so glad I didn't. He caught me looking at him and asked me what was on my mind.

"Nothing" I answered and smiled at him.

He smiled back and drove into the parking garage. He helped me get out and he intertwined our fingers while we went up to the loft. We stopped outside his door and he turned to me.

"You ready?" he asked with a smirk and I narrowed my eyes before nodding.

He opened the door and once I got inside people jumped out of nowhere and they all yelled in synchronization 'welcome back home Kate!'. I laughed and people came towards me to hug me. They took it easy, afraid to hug me too tight and hurt me. They were all there, dad, Martha, Alexis, Lanie, Jenny, Javi, Kevin and even Roy and Gates were there.There was a big cake in the middle of the room and I looked at Lanie.

"You wanna make me fat the first thing you do?" I asked and she nodded proudly before we both bursted out in laughter.

"I've missed the old you" she said before pulling me into a hug.

I knew exactly what she meant. She had known me since I was a kid. After my mom's death I hadn't really had a good time, I had pretended, but she had always known I had never had fun for real. Not until I met Rick. I looked at him, he was standing with his mother and daughter telling them something. When I walked over to them he stopped talking and I found it weird but let it pass, maybe it was about something between them.

"Kate, I'm glad you're okay" Alexis said and smiled at me.

I was still worried about her not accepting me but the smile she gave me also gave me hope, hope that she didn't completely hate me. In fact, it told me she actually started to like me. We all ate from the cake and when the time was about dinner time Rick gathered everyone around him, told us there was something he wanted to say to all of us. Once everyone was gathered he gave me a reassuring smile before starting.

"I wanna thank you all for coming and welcome Kate home again. It's nice to have you all here, even you Gates" he said and we all laughed. "But the real reason I got you all here was not only because I wanted Kate to feel like home" he walked towards me and I looked at him with a surprised look. "All my life I've read about people finding their true love, about people getting together with their soulmates and I've always seen it as exaggerated but now I know it's not."

I felt my mouth drop a bit. Not fully, I didn't want to look like a fool with an open mouth.

"Getting butterflies in the stomach... feeling electricity through the veins... static... everything is true, at least when you find the right person" he continued. "Somewhere I've read that home is where the heart is and thanks to the past weeks I know that's anothere truth I didn't quite believe in" Rick took my hand and dragged me out a bit so that the people around us could see. "You are my home, Katherine Beckett. And I don't care where I am or where I'm going, as long as I am with you I know I'll be home" he bent down on one knee in front of me and took out a black velvet box.

Around the room I could hear a few gasps and some 'oh my god's. He opened the box and inside was a beautiful ring and tears started to appear in my eyes.

"So, Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you do me the great honour to always be my home and marry me?" Rick asked and I felt the tears run down my cheeks.

"Yes" I whispered, not being able to say it any louder the first time. "Yes, yes yes yes" I said louder for each time and he raised to kiss my lips.

He lifted me up and twirled me around while we could hear cheers and applauds. He sat me down and let go of my lips. He took my left hand and put the ring on.

"I'll be yours forever and always" I whispered.

"And I'll love you until death do us apart" he said before I crashed my lips on his.

The End


Thank you all so much for reading!! Hope you all enjoyed the story and thank you all for being so patient with all the time it took for me to upload/write the last 10-20 chapters!!

And thank you all for all the votes and for the follows and comments, I love you all so much!

Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts of this whole story (or of the chapter), I would love to hear what you think about it!

Oh and for those of you who's wondering, yes, yes I will make another fanfic. Though I think I won't post it until I'm done with it since I don't like stressing out because I haven't updated for a while, so it might take a while, but I promise you I will write another fanfic about Rick Castle and Kate Beckett, in fact I've already started and I've written pretty much on one.

Love you all, stay beautiful xoxo

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