Chapter 22 - Home Again

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Chapter 22 - Home Again

Rick Castle's POV

I couldn't really believe what had happened. I had had my eyes on that nightgown and literally just thought about how sexy Kate would have looked in it, but I'd never figured she would look that hot. She really blew my mind trying that on. When I laid my eyes on the nightgown in the store I never could've dreamed of seeing her with it on. I was too afraid to ask her to try it on for me. I didn't want to push her into something she didn't want to do so when I opened my eyes and she stood there in front of me with it on I thought I was dreaming or had hit my head. Somehow she must've seen when I glanced at the gown and taken it when I didn't see. Then she decided to tease me about it, I couldn't deny I loved it though. How she teased me, I would've done the same thing if I was her.

"You're still not over it, are you?" Kate's voice broke through my thoughts and I turned my head towards her.

We sat in a cab on our way back to the house. We had walked to the shoppingcentre but all the clothes and electronics would've been hard to carry all the way back to the house so we decided together to hail a cab.

"Heelloo?" Kate said with a big open mouth teasing smile.

"Shut up" I muttered and she laughed.

"Really? It's been like an hour, and you still can't stop thinking about it?" she chuckled.

"I can promise you I won't get that picture out of my head sometime soon, not that I want to" I said and smirked at her.

She stopped chuckle but kept the smile and bit her inside cheek. She leaned towards me, her right hand crossed my chest and landed on my left shoulder.

"Well, you won't have to forget, but in the end you'll have too many of those kind of memories to remember all of them" Kate whispered in my ear with a growl and bit playfully in my ear.

I shivered and when she pulled back I followed her and crashed my lips on hers. She laughed into the kiss and I couldn't help but chuckle with her. A clearing throat made us break the kiss and I looked at the cab driver.

"We're here" he said and I nodded.

"Thanks" I said and while Kate jumped out to take our bags from the trunk I gave money to the driver.

I got out of the car and took the bags with electronics from Kate while she carried all her clothing bags. I'd insisted on getting every single clothing she liked, even when she said she didn't have to have all of them I told her not to worry and bought them all. We had gone to the grocery store inside the shopping centre too before we left for home. So I had that bag too. I didn't want her to have to carry too much since she had a lot of clothing bags already.

"You push in the code this time" I said and she looked at me.

"But I don't know what the code is" she said and I smiled at her.

"The one I told you in the loft, it's the same code" I said and her wrinkle between her eyes appeared as she thought about it.

After a few seconds of thinking she pushed the buttons to the lock and it showed green before we heard a click from the door, meaning it had opened. Kate smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile proudly back at her. I hadn't been sure if she remembered it, but clearly she had been aware enough to memorize it when I told her at the loft. We went inside and put down the bags in the hall.

"I think it's best if we keep the computers downstairs, and I'll put some of the food down there too just in case" I said and Kate agreed.

She went upstairs to put her clothes in the closet and I went to the kitchen to put all food but some in there. When I was done I went downstairs and put in the rest of the food there. Once I started packing up all the electronics I heard the door opened upstairs and feet clamping in the stairs.

"You're already done?" I asked surprised but didn't turn to look at her.

When I didn't get any answer I looked at the stairs and didn't see anyone there. I raised quickly and my body tensed. Could it be that they had found us already even though we were so careful? Weren't we careful enough? Did they know about our fake names?

"Rawr!" someone shouted and landed on my back.

I jumped and shrieked. The most beautiful and familiar laugh filled the room before she kissed my neck and jumped off my back.

"Hey! Don't do that again" I complained "I thought they had found us and that you were in danger!" I continued but she just laughed and it started to get hard for me not to join in.

Her laugh was as adorable as the face behind it.

"Kate, seriously, stop" I said and gave up.

She wouldn't listen to me. Unless...

She shrieked when I put my hands on her shoulders, my foot behind hers and pushed her down on the floor. I stopped the fall but put her on the ground and straddled her while holding her hands at the sides of her head. She continued laughing and now I chuckled too. With one move she was on top of me and I couldn't help but take the challenge. I pushed her so we made a back flip and I was back on top of her. This time I wouldn't be so easy to push. I hold her with a firm grip.

"Really think you can take me, huh?" she asked with a smirk before laughing again.

We continued rolling around on the floor, trying to win over the other. It was starting to get hard to find new grips and I had to admit that she was really good, like really good. I had never had such a good sparring partner. At last when I really thought I had her she managed after a few minutes suprise me and land on top of me with a grip I didn't know how to come out of. After a few tries she smirked down at me.

"You give up?" she asked and I tried another move.

Nope, that didn't work either. Damn it! She's good, more than good. Hell, she's better than me!

"I give up" I said defeated and she smiled at me.

She bent down and kissed me. I kissed her back and got new strength. I felt her body relax into mine and the static shot between our bodies. The kiss got passionate but we both pulled away before we couldn't stop ourselves.

"You know, you're the only one who's won over me since I started this job" I admitted and she grinned.

She pecked my lips before getting off me and she held out her hand. I took it and she helped me up on my feet.

"Let's get to work" she said smiling and I nodded mirroring the smile.

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