Chapter 34 - Everything goes as planned... Well almost

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Chapter 34 - Everything goes as planned... Well almost

Kate Beckett's POV

I dried my hair and walked into the closet. I put on panties and a bra before turning towards my dresses.

"You should wear that yellow dress we bought together" Rick called from the bathroom.

"Like that would specify which dress you're talking about" I said shaking my head with a smile on my lips.

I took out the yellow dress I knew he was talking about and headed back to the bedroom.

"What do you mean?" Rick asked.

"We bought all my clothes I have here together, so that's not really helping specify which dress you're talking about" I answered and he came out with his towel around his waist.

I put out the dress on the bed and felt Rick's arms land around my waist. I felt leaning into my hair and he kissed my shoulder. I turned head towards his and kissed the side of his head.

"You know we really should get going" I whispered when he started kissing my neck.

I could feel him smiling against my skin.

"Fine" he whispered and pulled away, walking towards the closet.

I looked after him for a second before turning towards the bathroom. I hanged up my towel and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Kate? Is this too much or not enough?" Rick asked and I walked into the bedroom.

He had a red button shirt and dark blue jeans. I looked at him from top to toe. I held a poker face and he started t get worried. I cracked up and went towards him.

"I'm just messing with you, it's perfect" I said and stepped on my toes to peck his lips.

I got dressed and did my make up. I choose not to do too much since it was a barbecue and it didn't feel like it was suitable with too much make up.

"Are you done?" Rick asked coming into the bathroom.

"Just finished" I said putting away the mascara.

He looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked and his smile grew wider.

"You look stunning, that's all" he said and reached out his hand.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror before taking his hand. We walked downstairs and took our phones and he took a wallet with some money just in case we would need it. Together we walked out and the door locked. We headed for the house on the other side and when we got to the door we looked at each other.

"Ready?" Rick asked and I nodded.

"Ready" I said and he knocked the door.

We heard footsteps from inside and the door opened. Viola greeted us with a big smile on her lips.

"Welcome! Come on in, just go right through the house and you'll get to the backyard" she squealed.

She seemed too excited for her own good. We stepped inside and she followed us when we stepped out to their beautiful green backyard. There were flowers in all kinds and everything was blooming beautifully.

"Wow" I said under my breath and Viola stepped past me towards her husband who stood by a grill.

She pecked his lips and he looked over at us. A man stood beside him and it looked like they had been talking while I'd been looking around us. I hadn't even noticed the man or the woman who both stood by Robert. Rick took my left hand and gave me a comfortable squeeze. When he squeezed I could feel that my body had stiffened, that I had started to prepare myself for battle in case it would become a necessity. Apparently Rick had felt the change and tried to calm me down before someone else noticed. Together we walked towards the four people.

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