Chapter 29 - Only A Bad Dream

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Chapter 29 - Only A Bad Dream

Rick Castle's POV

I woke up to someone's hysterical crying. It didn't take me long to understand that it was Kate who was the one laying beside me crying. I turned on the bedside light and looked down at Kate who was on her side of the bed in fetal position. I put one of my hands on her shoulder and softly stroke her arm.

"Kate" I whispered.

I moved closer to her and tried to get her out of the fetal position. It wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done. She was strong and kept herself together in the ball she looked like.

"Kate" I whispered louder, still stroking her arm.

She didn't even flinch. It was like she hadn't heard me. She kept crying and there was nothing I could do to stop her without waking her up.

"Kate" I said in normal voice-level.

I started shaking her a little and what I didn't thought should happen, happened. She started crying even more. I didn't know what could make her cry like that. Was it just a bad dream? Could really a dream be that bad? I tried shaking her again.

"Wake up" I said as softly as I could.

Suddenly her eyes flung opened and she stared into me with watery eyes. We stared at each other for a long time before she suprised me by flying into me, wrapping her arms around me. We fell back so she landed over me.

"Rick!" she screamed and she held me tight.

I hugged her back even though I was as confused as a baby seeing an elephant for the first time. She started crying again and I held her closer.

"Kate, schh, it was just a bad dream" I hummed into her ear.

I could hear on her breathing that she really tried to calm herself down so I continued humming into her ear and at last she stopped crying. I sat up and pushed her back enough so I could look into her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked and I wiped her tears away from her cheeks.

She still had watery eyes but I could see that she was okay again. She took a deep breath and I prepared myself for hearing about her bad dream.

"It felt so real, Rick. They kindapped us when I was asleep and they tortured us. Then they wanted to 'play' " she made the small bunny ears with her fingers "and said that if we answered correctly on their questions they wouldn't hurt us. They only asked me the questions and it ended up k-" she stopped.

Her tears had appeared again in her eyes and they escaped them. I wiped them and kept my hand on her cheek, stroking it.

"They killed you" she barely whispered. "Then they killed me, and I dreamed about being dead. I tried to find you but I couldn't and then death taunted me by making me hear your voice everywhere" her voice died and I stared into her sad eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you sooner" I said and she shook her head.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad it was a dream, I don't know what I would've done without you" she said staring into my eyes. "I love you, with all of my heart".

She had a small smile on her lips and love in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile with her.

"I love you too, always" I said and I closed the inches between her and me, letting my lips softly touch hers.

We kissed deeply and we put as much love as we could into it, letting the other know how much we loved each other. When we pulled away we laid down in the bed again. Kate laid her head on my chest and I had my arm wrapped around her.

"Did you carry me up here after I fell asleep?" she asked and her fingers were making circles on my chest.

"Yes, I figured you would sleep more comfortable here, besides, the movie was done so I decided to go to sleep myself and the couch didn't seem to be the best place in case one of us would think about kicking the other out" I answered and she giggled.

"I hope you're not referring to me" she said and I smirked.

When she didn't get an answer she looked up at me and saw my smirk. She hit me lightly on my chest and I chuckled.

"I'm just teasing you" I said and kissed the top of her head.

"I know, and I love the way you make me smile, even after a bad as bad as the one I just had" she confessed and I hugged her tighter with my one arm that was around her.

We laid quiet for a few minutes and while I laid thinking about what we should do next I felt Kate turn in my grip and when I looked down at her she laid so she could watch me from her spot.

"You know, I've read your books" she said and my eyes widened.

"You've read my books? Then how come you didn't recognize me?" I asked curious.

"It was a long time ago for starter, the second reason is because the latest versions I've read didn't have your pic in them, or at least I didn't see any" she defended herself.

"Then, what did you think of them?" I asked and I smiled down at her.

"I love them, they actually helped me a lot, the reason I was drawn to them probably was because you're the one. I don't think I would've liked them as much as I do if we didn't have this strange connection" she said and blushed.

I could see in her eyes how much she regretted telling me that. She was embarrased, though all I could feel was my love for her grow even stronger.

"Or maybe it's because I simply am awesome" I said jokingly and she laughed.

"You dream on" she teased.

"Well, if you insist" I said and closed my eyes.

"Hey!" she exclaimed and hit me in my chest again.

I started laughing and so did she. Our eyes caught on each other and we smiled at each other like idiots. She pulled herself up a bit and kissed me. The kiss started innocently but it quickly turned into something deeper and more heated. She put her leg on the other side of me and she melted into me. My hands travelled along her perfect body until I came to the end of her shirt. I put my hands under it and felt our skin touch. It started to get hard to breath and we slowed down to be able to catch our breaths between kisses. We couldn't stop though, it was too late. We were both too heated to stop.

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