Chapter 25 - Friends Being... Friends

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Chapter 25 - Friends Being... Friends

Kate Beckett's POV

I phoned Lanie first, using the phone number to the phone I bought her for situations like this. Once she answered I told her to hang on and phoned Jenny. She had one of those phones too and I was glad I had bought them. The reason I had bought them was because I needed them to calm down, they thought this would happen to me. Not the "fall-for-the-guy-you-were-assigned-to-kill"-thing but they thought I was going to have to go into hiding someday and they were afraid they wouldn't be able to follow me. When I gave them the phones I could see they were relieved and they really appreciated my solution. When Jenny answered I put them both on the same line.

"Hi, sorry I haven't contacted you earlier, I've been... I've been busy" I said and blushed.

I had decided to stay in the corner of the room since I didn't want Rick to hear my every word. It wasn't like I didn't trust him, it was just that I needed a just-girls-talk-moment. I knew this could lead to something I didn't want Rick to know about just yet or maybe, well most likely, Lanie and Jenny would bomb me with questions about Rick.

"Tell me you didn't shoot the guy" Lanie said with a demanding voice but quickly added "wait... you've been busy? Are you...? You go girl!" she squeeked.

"Wait, what's up?" Jenny asked confused.

"Lanie, you didn't tell her? I thought you would be all over her about this" I said shocked.

"No, I didn't know what you said meant, hell should I know? It could have meant you would run off kill the guy and be done with your assignment" Lanie defended herself.

"Kill who?" Jenny asked and I sighed.

"My new assignment, Richard Castle, he was the one who Lanie left me with at that club a few days ago" I started. "We got to talking the next day, I ended up spending the whole day there" I got cut off by Lanie.

"She fell in love with him" Lanie said all excited into my and Jenny's ear.

"Kate? Kate fell in love? Our Kate?" Jenny asked and I could hear in her voice that she didn't quite buy it.

I was quiet, figured it was best to let it sink in but Lanie was way too excited to keep her mouth shut.

"Mhmm, she slept with him the second night, not the one when she got home to him from the club but the night after. Then she figured out who he was and that she had to kill him. Of course I tried talking her into run away with the guy instead, an you did right? That's why I can't get a hold of you on your old phone, right?" Lanie babbled.

"Yes, I threw my phone so that they can't trace us, so did he. Now, the reason I'm calling is because I didn't want you two to worry and try to find me" I said and they agreed.

"That's good, I'm glad you didn't kill him, one less killing on your conscious" Jenny mumbled.

I guess it wasn't really supposed be loud enough for us to hear but we did. I didn't comment it though. Neither of them had liked my job, but Jenny was the one who disliked it the most. 

"Anyway, I think I should probably go, Rick has already started without me" I said and looked over at were Rick said typing away on the computer.

"Ooooohh" Lanie commented and I blushed but tried not to let it show in my voice.

"Not that Lanie! He started the hacking, we're gonna try find out why they want us gone" I defended myself.

"Mhmm, keep telling yourself that" she said and I rolled my eyes.

Out of the blue Jenny started laughing and I had to move the phone a few inches from my ear to not loose my hearing. 

"What the hell, Jenny?" I exclaimed with a smile on my face once I put the phone back to my ear.

I could hear she had put her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh too hard.

"Jenny, you better tell me why I lost my hearing on my right ear quick before I come over there and smack you" Lanie complained but I could hear even she had a smile on her face.

"Sorry, my fault, I didn't know she was so tickling" a voice said into the phone.

I had never heard that voice before and I felt my body stiffen. What if she was in danger?

"Who was that?" Lanie asked before I could.

"Oh, this is Kevin Ryan, I met him at the club we was at" Jenny said.

"When did you meet him? Was it after I passed out?" I asked and I had forgotten to lower my voice.

When I glanced at Rick he looked over at me with curious eyes. I smiled at him and made a wave with my hand, signaling it was nothing he had to worry about.

"Yeah, at least I think it was after you rant into that guy you're with now, at least if I have the information right?" Jenny said and her voide died.

Why did she become so silent? Did he do something? What was going on? I could hear some small talking, just like Jenny was holding over the mic on the phone with her hand while talking to the guy she was with.

"Kate, did you say you're new boyfriend's name was Richard Castle?" she suddenly asked.

"Yes?" I more asked than stated with suspicious in my voice.

"That's my buddy" the guy said and that's when I realized Jenny had put on speaker phone.

"Really?" I asked even more suspicious.

What if he was working with Rick and now was the time we were going to be tracked down and really was going to need to run away. I went over to Rick and held my hand over the mic to talk to him.

"Do you know a Kevin Ryan? Is he a threat?" I whispered as low as I could so no one in the other lines of the phone would be able to hear.

"Yes I know him, and no he's not a threat, why?" Rick answered as low as me.

I put on the speaker phone and held it between us.

"You still there?" I asked and waited for answers.

"I am" Lanie said.

"We're here too" Jenny said and I nodded towards Rick.

"Uhm, hi?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

His confused look was so cute. It was hard not to lean in to kiss him but I managed to contain myself fast enough.

"Hi buddy, so you're in hiding, huh?" Kevin said and I saw the shock shot through Rick's face.

"Kevin? Where...?" Rick looked for the right qiestion. 

"I met Jenny at the club, guess it's a small world when three friends go to the same club" Kevin explained.

"Then I guess you two know Javi, right?" Lanie suddenly said and I looked at Rick as he nodded to me.

Kevin started laughing. 

"Ok, I actually could see that coming" Rick said and I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "He went to help Lanie find your friend at the club, guess that's who Kevin met?" Rick asked and I nodded.

"Kate, I gotta go, Javi's at the door, we're going out tonight, talk to you later honey" she said and we all said good bye before her line disappeared from the phone.

"We should go too, we need to start the hacking" I said and Rick nodded.

We said good bye and I hung up. I stared out in nowhere, not really focusing on anything. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Two of my best friends seemed to be dating my new boyfriend's best friends. How the hell is that even possible? I asked myself that same question over and over again. I couldn't quite believe it. 

"That was weird" I stated and the nod Rick made told me he was as shocked as I was.

He snapped out of it faster than I did and turned to the computer.

"Let's do this" he said after clearing his throat.

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