Tattooes and badass vibes

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When Catarina grabbed his hand and dragged him across the street, Magnus yelled "Cat, cars! Are you crazy!?" The dark skinned woman giggled and said "This is New York. And you know I'm crazy! Come on, let's do this!"

They stood in front of a tattoo parlour. Magnus sighed, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. Catarina studied him and said "Chickening out, are we? No way, get in!" And with a shove Magnus found himself inside the little parlour. The walls were almost all black, the back wall was red, giving the place a splash of colour. It was dimly lit, however, and on the walls were a lot of paintings with tattooes on them. Magnus studied the room and an older man with an impressive beard came to him. "Hey, there! Can I help you?" he smiled at them. Magnus nodded and said in his usual charming voice "Hi! Yeah, I'm Magnus Bane, I emailed you about a tattoo I wanted?" 

The man's eyes glinted as he recognized what he was talking about and then nodded, too, saying "Ah, yes, right. I'm Derek, the one you have been emailing. Listen, normally I'd totally do it myself, but I have a kid back here who is the best and when I showed it to him, he wanted to do the job himself. And what can I say, he can do a much better job than I can, your tattoo was pretty complex." the man said. Magnus eyed him but smiled and said "Um, yeah, sure. I want the best there is." Derek waved them to follow him and he spoke as they approached the back of the room "Oh, Alec's the best. He's been here only about a year but all of our customers always ask for him specifically." 

They went around a large cabinet that had various instruments in it, which Magnus assumed were for making tattooes. When they reached the back of the room, there was a young man sitting behind a desk, doodling something. There were also three chairs and lamps above them. Guessing these are the torture chairs, Magnus thought. Derek coughed and said "Alec! For you!". The young man stood up and Magnus' breath almost got caught in his throat. The guy was tall, he had jet black hair and the deepest blue eyes Magnus had ever seen. He was wearing a dark red T-shirt and black skinny jeans along with combat boots. All of him screamed a dark, tall, handsome and badass vibe. Magnus could almost see the abs throught his tight shirt. He resisted the urge to lick his lips.

"Hi, there. I'm Alec." the guys streched out his hand to Magnus, who took it, replying "I'm Magnus." Alec let go and smiled to Catarina, who also shook his hand and said "I'm Cat." Alec smirked and asked "Cat, that short for Catherine?" Catarina smiled and waved her hand "Catarina, but no one calls me that." Alec's lip twitched when he tried not to laugh as he said "Well, Catarina, Magnus, which one of you is getting the ink?" Catarina shoved Magnus forward and Magnus raised his hand tentatively. Alec said "Well, that's some handywork there, did you make it yourself?" Magnus nodded. Alec whistled and said "That's brilliant! Here, I made a draft, If you're okay with it we'll put it on you where you want it and then I can start."

Magnus moved closer to the table Alec was standing by and looked at the tattoo. It was perfect. He had nailed it. "That's amazing." Alec scoffed and said "Really, it was your own work, so you're the amazing one." After some seconds he must've realized what he said because he coughed and said "I mean, your drawing is amazing." In the backround Magnus could hear the soft giggle of Catarina. Magnus smiled at Alec and said "Thank you. For both the compliments. So, let's do this?" he clapped his hands together. Alec nodded, gesturing to the chair "Lie down." Magnus did as he was told and Alec leaned in, asking "Where?" Magnus inhaled his scent, which was divine. A mixture of some kind of masculine perfume and the sent of pinewood. "Um, here." Magnus said, pointing to his right forearm. Alec put the draft there like it was a sticker.

"Alright, so you probably know the drill." Alec said, as he was preparing the instruments. Magnus shot Catarina a look, who was smirking next to him, sitting on a chair. Magnus said "No, actually." Alec stopped cleaning the thing in his hands (it looked like a needle and Magnus did not like the looks of it) and stared at him. Then he said, apologetically "Sorry, I just assumed this isn't your first ink. I mean you look would have tattooes, that's all." He looked at Magnus, eyeing him up and down in the chair and Magnus felt a very small blush creep up on him. He never blushed. However, he might've gotten why Alec thought so. He was wearing black leather pants with chains on them and his combat boots, almost like Alec's. He had a dark purple shirt on and on it a leather jacket, which he had hung on the hook beside a large mirror. His hair was also spiked and the tips were dark blue and he had various necklaces and rings on, along with his lip ring that he hadn't worn in ages. 

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