Chapter 8 - Please Tell Me You Did The Frick Frack?

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Dean’s POV


The second time I took Cas into my room wasn’t as awkward as before, we quickly got back to the position we were in before we were interrupted by Sam, and my erection grew again as Cas slightly grinded his hips into mine, I could feel his erection rubbing against me and I moaned in pleasure and desperation as we took off our shirts, we pulled apart and Cas’ breaths began to quicken as I started to lightly nibble and lick his left nipple, not wanting to leave the other one out I started to lightly rub my thumb over it Cas threw his head back and moaned in pleasure and tugged gently on my hair turning me on even further. His thrusts quickened in pace and became irregular as he tried to quietly moan. I stopped playing with his nipples and looked up at him; he had desperation in his eyes which was my queue to go a little further. I picked him up and lay him down on the bed and lay on top of him supporting my body with my hands and knees I panted heavily as we both looked into each other’s eyes. I then bent down and roughly kissed him and started to rub his throbbing piece over the material of his work pants and watched him grab the sheets, obviously enjoying the sensation. I traced his jaw line with gentle kisses and gently sucked on the crease of his neck creating a small mark, I felt hands on my ass and let out a satisfying sigh at the feeling of Cas becoming more comfortable. He stopped what he was doing, making me stop with him.

“Hey, what’s wrong am I going too fast?” He cupped my face and I turned my head to the left so I could kiss the palm of his hand, he kissed me on the forehead and it made me feel safe, I didn’t feel vulnerable like I thought I would feel if I was being dominated, I actually felt warm, safe and happy. Cas pulled away after a second or two and looked at my alarm clock.

“It’s getting late, I should probably get home I had a wonderful time Dean thank you.” I climbed off him and started to get dressed,

“I’ll drive you I don’t want you walking home in the dark.”

I dropped Cas off right outside his apartment building giving him a good bye kiss and quickly drove back home, I jumped in the shower and couldn’t help but think about the bad things I wanted to do to Cas.

“Hey Dean stop hogging all the hot water! Jessica is quicker than you what are you doing in there man?!”

“Oh shut up Sammy I’ll take as long as I please!” I quickly finished myself off and got myself dry, I walked out wrapped in my towel and was greeted by Sammy’s bitch face, he shoved me to the side and got himself a shower, I didn’t even get to my bed room door when I heard him shout, I ran back to the bathroom door and knocked franticly.

“Sam! Sammy you alright?!”

“Yeah I’m fine, Princess it’s just fudging cold! You used all the hot water I hope it was fudging worth it!” I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically, who he is calling Princess he’s the drama queen.

I put some boxers on and towel dried my hair, it was only 11 o’clock but I was pretty tired. I got into bed and put my ear buds in and listened to music till I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore and drifted into a deep sleep. 

Castiel’s POV

I got home at around quarter past ten and got into my pj’s straight away, I opened up my laptop and saw I had 4 unread messages in my inbox, one was from Charlie, two were from Balthazar and one was from Gabe. I opened up the one Charlie sent me first and laughed out loud as I read it.

Caaaaasss! Remember to wear a condom if you do the frick frack tonight with Dean, I hope to see you tomorrow in the same clothes as today. Also I’m having a fancy dress party next Saturday for my 26th birthday and I want you and Dean to come in matching duo outfits. DONT LET ME DOWN! –Charlie’

I didn’t need to respond to her email, because I know she would want me to tell her all the details in person so she can jump up and down and hug me, Charlie has been a really good friend to me since I moved to Kansas and she’s the only real friend I’ve had so I was completely comfortable and quite enjoyed gossiping with her. I opened the emails from Balthazar and then Gabriel’s and they were just updates about our family, Anna our youngest sister got her first boyfriend which father was not impressed about, they told me that mom and dad would be away for Christmas and that I should come down and see them all. I expected to spend Christmas alone this year so hearing this news made me happy.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Next day<<<<<<<<<<<<

(Still Castiel’s POV)

“CAS! Why have you got a different shirt on to yesterday? Is that a clothing item borrowed from Dean?” Charlie’s eyes sparkled with excitement and I kind of felt bad for telling her the truth, killing her spirit.

“No it’s not Deans, we didn’t do, wait- what did you call it. Frickle frick?” She started laughing creasing on her chair as she did so.

“You idiot its ‘Frick frack’ it’s nice than asking if you ‘fucked’ don’t you think.” I had to agree with her there it was a nicer way of saying it. “But why not! Please tell me you did something...”

“Well yes and no, we had a topless kiss and a few little feels here and there, but no frick fracking.”

“Ah well, but I want to know all the details when you do. Are you coming to my party next weekend?”

“Oh yeah I got your email when I got in last night, is there a theme?”

“No theme, but you do have to bring a date and come as a duo. Like I’m bringing my ‘friend’ Dorothy and we are going as Mario and Luigi. I know Sam, Deans brother is bringing his girlfriend Jessica and they are going as a doctor and a nurse. They don’t have to be specific characters just somewhat matching?”

**A couple of hours later (break time) **

“Hey Dean have you heard about Charlie’s fancy dress party for her birthday.” Dean froze and raised his brow. “Don’t give me that tone of eyebrow.” He laughed and scoffed at the same time.

“Yeah I heard about it but I didn’t think you would want to go, unless you dress up as a sexy cheerleader I’m more than cool with going with you.”

“I bet, but the costumes have to be matching so if you will have to wear the cheerleaders outfit too.” He smirk soon dropped from his face and he tilted his head to the side slightly. He must have picked that habit from me, this is the first time I’ve seen him do it.

“So what did you want to go as?” He sipped his drink as I thought for a second.

“Well I’m named after an Angel, what about and Angel and a Demon. You could just wear your normal clothes and just add a pair of devil horns and a pitch fork? I could wear angel wings and a halo.” Dean’s eyebrows shot up and his whole face lightened up.

“That’s a great idea; we should probably go to the mall on Saturday and pick up the stuff from that fancy dress shop near the cinema.”

“Sounds like a date.” 

(A/N: short chapter because the next chapter will go straight to the costume shopping date then Charlies party. And couldnt think of what to write. Thanks for reading my fic, i've been reading alot of Sabriel fics lately and i wanted your opinion on something, should i turn this into a destiel/sabriel cross over story or start a new story focusing on sabriel? Comment your opinions, i would much appreciate it:) thanks)

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