Chapter 7 - Is That A Hickey?!

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Dean’s POV

“Hey Cas, if you meet me at the bike shed near the back car park, I’ll drive you straight to mine unless you need to go home for anything?”

“No that’s fine Dean, are you sure Sam doesn’t mind cooking for an extra person?”

“Nah he’s cool with it, it was his idea anyway. I’ll see you around yeah, if not I’ll see you after work.” I smiled and walked away my boots making a loud eco noise on the shiny floor, maybe I shouldn’t have worn my heavy boots to work, people could hear me coming from a the other end of the factory.

“Hey, Dean can I have you for a second?” I turn around and Kevin is stood there and he looks exhausted.

“Yeah sure, man what’s up?”

“I need you to help me push this big machine to the lab, they delivery men just left it outside unattended.”

“Oh sure man I’ll get someone to help us with the doors one sec.”

I ran to get Cas from the office again, he opened all the doors to the lab and then I walked with him back to his office trying so hard not to put his hand in mine.

“Come down to the shop floor at half 2 when everyone’s having a cigarette and we can talk and maybe a little more then?” I winked at him and playfully bit my bottom lip.


Waiting for half two was a drag, Alastair was bitching about his landlord again, no body was listening but no one had the guts to tell him he’s a dick and nobody cares. Oh what a coincidence I think he’s a dick, and then Dick, the manager of the lab section comes strolling in demanding for help with pushing the machine I helped Kevin with before go into a truck ready to send back to where ever it came from.

“Ah yes, Dean you do it.” Alastair pointed at me and got back to his little chat.

“B-But I’m busy with this package, can’t Benny do it?”

“Now Dean, don’t make me ask you again.” He smiled at me clearly satisfied with what he had done, I followed Dick into the lab and looked at their clock, it was almost half two which meant I wasn’t going to see Cas until after work, I sighed heavily and helped Kevin push it back to the main desk while Dick was opening all the doors.

I quickly got back to the packing area and Cas was waiting for me, he was sitting on a stack of boxes looking at my CD collection.

“Do you like anything there?” He jumped slightly and almost dropped the stack of CD’s and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry did I scare you?”

“Yeah you did actually, but don’t worry I do scare pretty easily. But yeah I like this album.” He went through them and finally held up my ‘Queen’ album. “I love ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’”

I half laughed half huffed.

“Well duh you have to be a dummy to not like Bohemian Rhapsody I mean come on its amazing. Have you watched Wayne’s World?”

“Yeah the one when those two guys run a TV show in their basement?”

“Yeah that one, every time I put Bohemian Rhapsody on I can’t help but jam out like they did, let’s put it on.” I take the CD out and fiddle with the sound system and the song started to play, I turned the volume up and skipped to the best part of the song so I could enjoy it with Cas.

Castiel’s POV

I completely lost track of time, it was half four which meant I was late meeting Dean at the bike shed; I quickly gathered my things and looked around. I really needed to get some cool posters in here it’s so boring. I finished logging off my computer and ran to the car park almost forgetting to clock out, I waited at the bike shed as I looked around for Dean, I didn’t know which car he drove so I had no idea what to look out for, I look towards the right of me and hear a loud honking noise coming from behind me, I quickly turn around and see a shiny black car with Dean poking his head out the window.

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