Chapter 1 - Eyes

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Cas applied for numerous jobs before he finally got a job interview as the new IT technician at a company called Barn Tech not too far from where he lived. Cas put on his fave batman fleece pj bottoms and a grey x-men t-shirt and his navy blue dressing gown before getting comfortable at his computer desk and started to research ‘Barn Tech’ ready for his interview in a few days.

Dean on the other hand was getting ready for a night out with his friend Benny. He was wearing a black pair of skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a leather pocket and sleeves and his big New Rock black and silver punk boots with his red leather jacket. He picked up his phone and wallet and headed to the club where he was meeting Benny and his date.

Deans POV

Great, Benny brought Andrea that means i’m going to be third wheeling for part of the night.. i needed to hook up fast. As we walk to the bar I spot a girl with ash blonde hair looking me up and down. I walk up to her and start my ‘sexy talk ritual’ i always do.

“Hey sweetie, you all alone tonight?” i gave her a bashful half smile and she looked down at her shoes, she was obviously shy i needed to make her comfortable if i wanted her to hook up with me.

“Bar keep! Yeah i’ll have 6 tequila shots please” i looked at the girl who was trying her hardest not to look me directly in the eye. “My name is Dean, and what might yours be sugar?”

She looked up at me and flashed an awkward smile before telling me her name was Maria, at that moment the man at the bar put down the tequila shots, salt and wedges of limes.

“Have you ever done body shots?”

She gave we a worried look “Dont worry i’ll be gentle”, i have her that half smile again as she bit her lip, she seemed interested so i placed salt on her collar bone, a lime wedge in her mouth and proceded to do the shot slowly and seductively, she made a soft moan as i licked the salt off her neck, after the shots and a few more drinks, we went back to my place making sure we were quiet so we didn’t wake my younger brother, Sammy.

Castiels POV

As i pluged in my ear phones and put on my favourite song, Cherry Pie i went onto my laptop and opened up my emails and researched ready for my interview, the company seemed to be simple not that different to my last job when i lived in Detroit so that made my nerves calm down a little bit. All i needed to do was look the part, and come across as confident. To turn off my ipod and set my laptop aside while i quickly got my clothes ready for the next day. I had picked out something simple; a white shirt, a blue tie and my casual suit. I quickly ironed the shirt and hung it up on the back of the kitchen door so it didn’t get creased again and i becan to check my emails. The first 4 Emails were just updates from amazon and tumblr that i just ignored. One email stood out, it was from Balthazar;

Hey cas, hope you are having fun in Kansas without me!! Who am i kidding i bet you hate it with out me making it exciting for you! Anyway i was just wondering if you had heard anything from Dad? Gabe has tried calling him and so have i, did you check on him before you moved? Goddamn it Cas can you please get your self a phone do you know how awkward it is not being able to call you??!! -Any way reply as soon as you get this please? –Balth xoxox’

Greaaaat, so Dads M.I.A... Again. This was becoming a regular thing i wasn’t even bothered but i replied to Balthazar anyway to let him know im save, i felt bad not telling him my address or anything like that, but i couldn’t deal with anymore drama that comes with the Novak family.

‘Balthazar, i’m fine. And no i didn’t see Dad, he probably doesn’t want to be bothered? And its too mainstream to have a phone Balth. But i’ll let you know my number when (if) i get one.. Stay save and keep an eye on Gabe-Cas x’


Deans POV

I woke up with only one sock on as i looked at the clock, it was half 7. I only had half an hour to get , to work. I remembered the girl from last night, Marina? I shot up and looked aroung the house, she must have left before i woke up. I quickly put on my clothes and ran out the door and jumped into my baby, my 1967 Chevy Impala and drove to work a little over the speed limit.

I walked into the front entrance at work and clocked in, as i rushed past reception i quickly glanced at this dark haired boy and i had to double take, i have never seen eyes so blue before, they compliment his tie beautifully. I quickly walk away and mentally shout at my self What the hell was that Dean? ‘His eyes compliment his tie beautifully’ who says that about another dude? Why did i think that about a guy ive only just looked at? I brushed it off and ran down stairs onto the shop floor and was surprised that i had made it in on time.

Castiels POV

I was waiting for my new manager as a cute punk guy with spiked black and green hair, a few facial piercings stretched ears and tattoos on his arms quickly raced through the doors, despite his quick pace, i managed to get a good look at his eyes as he looked directly into mine my heart fluttered and my stomach did a back flip. He was truly beautiful, his eyes were a lovely candy apple green and his style was amazing. Then i suddenly looked down at his own choice of outfit, if this mystery guy was wearing jeans and a black band tee, was that was everyone was wearing? Oh God im going to look to formal? What if people laugh at me behind my back? Thats all i need! I suddenly hear a voice from behind me.

“Castiel Novak?”

I turned around to see a small man with a scruffy hair cut and beard i quickly nodded as his hand reached out to me “Hello, my name is Marve and i will be your manager” i quickly shook his hand and followed him to the office, he showed me where the different facilities, the office the canteen and then the shop floor, thats when i saw the mystery man sorting heavy boxes, i saw his nice muscular arms before he noticed me and i tried my hardest not to dribble. There was one thing i was certain, this man was gorgeous Damn it cas he is definitely not gay just give up now he thought to him self.

“Dean, this is Castiel the new IT technician” Marve gestured at me as i shoved my hand in front of me ready to shake Deans hand. Dean, thats a lovely name.

“Hey man so you finding everything okay?”

His voice was husky and soothing to the ear i almost forgot to answer his question.

“O-Oh yeah i’m finding everything okay just got to try and get used to everything here”

“Woah?! Your voice isn’t what i was expecting!”

I rolled my eyes slightly as i looked at him hard. He shifted his feet slightly obviously embarrassed.

“Yeah i get that alot i’ll probably see you around some time?” Dean nodded at me as i walked to my desk that Marve quickly lead me to, i started up my computer and looked around my mini cubicle thinking about what things i could put in there to make it personal.

Deans POV

Oh my god Dean you idiot what did you say that for? Why am i so bothered about him?

I looked at the clock and let out a large sigh as i realised that break wasn’t for another 2 hours and i was hungry..

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