"F*ck, I love you."

"I love you more."

"Now go and stay alert. Sneak through the back."

"Yes, Sir."

I held the gun firmly in my hand and took off in one direction while Vince went the other way.

I almost made it to the house without seeing anyone, but suddenly a man appeared in front of me with.

I instantly held up my gun to shoot him. He laughed.

"The Queen is going to pull a trigger?"

I didn't get a chance to pull my trigger. I was about to when the man groaned in pain and dropped to the ground.

Behind him stood Knox with a baseball bat.

"I got you, Queenie." He winked.


"No problem." He grinned as he took the bat to the man's head.

Knox and I then took off to the house. We ran into a few more people, but Knox handled them with the baseball bat.

I ran inside and quickly found Stefano and Nix. They were in the bathroom. They were both covered in blood and Stefano was crying.

"Bella, please save him." Stefano cried.

"I'll try, Steffie." I said.

I got down in the floor beside them and checked Nix's wound.

"It looks like most of the bleeding has stopped."

"I...I don't think he's breathing." Stefano cried.

I put my finger under Nix's nose.

"He's breathing, but barely."

I rattled off a few things I needed and sent Stefano and Knox for them. It was at that time that several of the men that were attacking us came in through the back door like we did. I could hear them yelling.

My heart stopped when the bathroom door flew open and one of the men stood in the doorway. My heart stopped impossibly more when he raised his gun.

Not being able to do anything else, because I couldn't find where I'd put my gun down, I blocked Nix's body with my own in hopes that he'd at least live.

"J-Jules," he groaned.

"I'm sorry, Nix." I cried in a whisper just as the man pulled the trigger.

I didn't hear one gun though. I heard two. I looked to see that my gun was in Nix's hand. He shot the guy in the head.

The pain didn't start for several seconds.

Then I felt it.

It radiated throughout my whole body. I looked down and watched as blood soaked through my shirt.

The man had shot me.

(Vince's POV)

As Juliet took off in one direction, I went in the other. I came across their sniper first and easily snapped his neck. I checked him for any other gun but he didn't have one.

He did have a knife though. A spiral knife.

The next guy saw me coming and he froze out of fear. He was an easy kill.

The next five were the same. They were all shocked to see me. Their shock and fear made them easy to kill.

I could see the front door and I could see my running ducked down by the windows taking shots.

I got maybe a few feet away from the porch when four men suddenly appeared.

"You gotta be f*cking with me." One man said.

"Vincenzo Bianchi. The Mighty King. The most feared man of all time." Another said, mocking me.

They were bosses of the top four families in Italy. They've been wanting me dead for years.

One opened his mouth to speak, but one of my men from inside beat him to it.

"They're inside!! Cover the back!"

"Our men are inside and outside. We've got all yours trapped inside. Most injured. What are you gonna do now?" One mocked.

My hands balled into fists. My blood started to boil. My whole body tensed.

My head cocked to the side.

"The question is, what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Excuse me?"

"My wife is inside. That being said, you're standing between The Devil and his Angel. The fires of hell will soon be the least of your problems."

The Devil's Fallen Angel (Angels of the Underworld: Book 4) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now