4: Farm house pt.1

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While the goblins surrounded the farmer's house, Sizarbob simply broke a path in the fence with his leg and walked in.

The gate was right there, Yuusha thought as he followed Sizarbob, barely a meter from the closed gate.

The door to the house opened, a woman stood there, in poor clothing, past 30 years – which was way past Yuusha's interest range. At that point, it didn't matter if she was thirty-one or sixty-one. Yuusha's brain barely registered the wrinkles around the woman's dim blue eyes or scarred hands, aged by manual labor.

The woman screamed. Maybe don't come outside during a goblin attack? Yuusha criticized her decision. Then he saw that the woman covered a little girl that snuck up behind her, but Yuusha only caught a glimpse of her dark hair.

A man ran out from behind the house towards the screams, with a dirty rake in hand that still had some sort of grass in its teeth, and froze in place when he saw the uninvited guests on his front lawn. One look at the man and Yuusha completely wrote him off as a potential threat. If this was a game, then this aging farmer would probably not even get a name and would be a background NPC, not worthy of being even a quest giver.

"Етид ов ртувь и есьяч!!" The man shouted to his family in a language Yuusha had never heard in his life.

I figured as much, Yuusha thought and his heart sank a little. He expected as much. It wasn't just that he didn't know goblin language. He didn't know any language in this world. Of course, he didn't!

Sure, if that bimbo fucked up everything else, why not this also? And that means even if I leave this group in addition to all other problems, I will also need to learn the local human language. The best-case scenario now is that humans have some sort of common language. Maybe I'll get lucky and find someone as talkative as Sizarbob?

Meanwhile, the man charged at Sizarbob, holding his rake with both hands, but the hobgoblin easily grabbed it with one hand and with another punched the man in the face, sending him into the ground with such a force that the man slid in the dirt for three meters before hitting his wife's legs.

Poor fool never stood a chance, Yuusha thought comparing the aging farmer to the muscle mountain that was Sizarbob. The hobgoblin crushed the rake in half just by clenching it harder.

The man groaned and tried lifting his trembling arm, but could barely get it off the ground before it fell again.

Oh, wow, he's actually alive? Yuusha was legitimately surprised. The old guy is more durable than he looks.

The girl ran out to her father, crying and calling "Папа!". The girl was no more than twelve or thirteen years old. Black, spiky hair reaching to her shoulders, dark blue eyes, small nose. A petite body was hidden under her simple, worn-out brown dress. A stunning beauty.

My God! Yuusha was stunned. She looks like a sister I never had! How did these two NPC-level stock characters manage to create such a thing that is almost as beautiful as I am?

Meanwhile, the other goblins were already inside the area – one ran into a wooden shed, the other was chasing a pig, the third tried to unsuccessfully move a cow. "Puk Pukaaak," chickens cried out from inside the wooden shed.

After a couple of minutes of this circus, a hobgoblin almost as tall as Sizarbob came up to him and Yuusha.

"We take all animals," Sorzak reported to his brother.

"Good," Sizarbob said. "Tell others - if any goblin eat a single leg off chicken, goblin lose all legs!"

"What if goblin eat chicken wing?" Sorzak asked. "Goblin have no wing."

"Then goblin learn fly with no wing!"

Wait, what? Yuusha was confused. Did I hear that right? Chickens?

"Delicious chicken for best warriors," Sizarbob said, licked his lips and walked towards the door of the house.

Together with the girl, the woman helped her man get on his feet, and they all got inside the house, closing the wooden door behind them. Sizarbob walked up to the door and ripped the door off its hinges just by pushing into it with the palm of his hand.

Is this normal or is he just overpowered? Yuusha wondered. At first glance, most of the small, green goblins looked more like comedic relief than an actual threat, with their scrawny build, bent legs, and giant heads. The big noses and even bigger triangular ears didn't help. Yuusha got a sneaking suspicion that the slaughter of the human party was mostly the handy work of a certain someone and his four square-jawed buddies.

Yuusha heard more shouting and crying and sighed as he walked in.

"Етидащ соп сан!!" the woman cried out.

Sizarbob towered above the three humans and for the first time since he got here reached for his blade. Oh, wait, he's actually going to kill them! Yuusha snapped back to reality. Usually, in games, Yuusha didn't give a fuck about NPC's, but he remembered that these aren't NPC's... He still didn't care about them all that much. But, as a hero, I'm not supposed to let innocents die, right? Yuusha asked himself.

Hm, maybe they aren't all that innocent?  Yuusha tried to rationalize the upcoming murder. Who knows what evil deeds they are up to on this secluded farm in the middle of nowhere? What dark rituals this below-average couple performed to summon such a beauty?

Sizarbob slowly raised his blade, the girl screamed. Next thing he knew, Yuusha found himself between the girl and the hobgoblin, signaling with his open palm to stop the attack on the farmers.

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