you got out the shower, drying your hair and started getting ready for bed. There was a small knock on the door and it opened. Kakuzu walked in looking at the ground then glanced up at you with a guilty look "Have you come to your senses yet?"

You frowned looking away from him and got into bed "Have you?"

He sighed and got close "Y/n…you know that I love you...but I can't do this"

"Why not!?" You snapped 

He sat next to you "Do you really see me being a father?...I'm a monster...I'm selfish and cold...children on the streets cry when they see really think I would be comfortable knowing that I brought a child into this world, who is going to hate me for not securing a better life…For raising them while being on the run constantly? For not always being there for them? For bringing them into this awful world that is full of corruption and hate?"

You teared up a bit, as he took your hand in his and you spoke "If not now....then when Kazu? are talking about things that may or may not are worrying about nothing. We have survived for so long and so will they…It is what we do best…. We survive"

He looked at you with regret until you hugged him tight "you will be a great father... just like yours and even better...Just give this little one a chance. Please….I’m sure you will be happy that I convinced you otherwise someday in the future"

He hugged you tight and kissed your neck feeling a bit conflicted. "I will" he whispered and pulled you close, laying you down on the bed with his arms wrapped protectively around you. You kissed him softly then cuddled into his chest “I believe in you… you are all I got, you know… losing you would be the death of me” you said
“I’ll only be doing this for you y/n… if this is what you truly want, then I’ll go for it… anything for my little girl” He said
You laughed “You are a real daddy now”
He chuckled and cuddled with you tighter as you fell asleep.


He sure got a scolding from Pein for his reckless act. Pein was furious because it was like he lost a good asset to his organization. You assured him that it was alright and you would continue working for him, until he finally calmed down and dismissed the two of you, so he could take the time to think. 
Deidara took your hand in his as he walked down the hall with you and you spoke “You think he will be alright with all this?”
“tch I wouldn’t even care. You are my girl and that is my child. He has no say in this hm” 
“You think he would ever consider killing us?” You asked worriedly
“Kill us? He needs us un!” He stopped and looked at you deeply “You know what, you seem too nervous and stressed. How about I take you out to relax...maybe a hot spring un?"

You shook your head "high temperature water is bad for the baby"

He thought then smiled "let's go to that sushi place you like so much hm?"

But you shook your head once more "Raw fish should also be avoided during pregnancy"

He frowned "Geez you can’t do anything fun...Now I know why pregnant women are so cranky for hm"

You looked down sadly “Sorry for being such a fun kill… I just need to be really careful or I will be mentally scarred, if something happened to this baby”
He smiled and cupped your cheeks in his hands “Hey we can have loads of fun still… Come on I’ll take you somewhere nice” He said pulling you outside the hideout. He summoned his bird and helped you up then took off into the sky with his arm wrapped securely around you. You didn’t know where he was going, until you reached a small area with dense trees. There was a small spring seeping out of the mountain side and a soft wind was blowing around carrying the scent of fresh bloomed flowers. He sat you down on the edge of the small formed pond and took off your sandals then dipped your feet into the water. You expected it to be cold but it was so warm causing your entire body to relax. He smiled “You like?”
You nodded “This is so soothing and warm” you said moving your feet into the water
He took off his sandals and did the same, sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer. “I know you are very scared about all this un…I’m scared too…but I won’t give up such a chance. It took a lot of energy to convince Pein but it’s worth it yeah”
You looked at him deeply “Why do you want this child so badly despite being so young?”
He bit his lip and looked at the water “I…I want to redeem myself before I die un”
“What do you mean?”
“We are shinobi…we may not live forever and I still have so much regrets concerning my mother and the way I was raised… I want to give this child the things I never had yeah…maybe then I will feel better about myself…maybe this kid will inherit my art views un”
You felt your heart hurt from hearing that and hugged him tight cuddling into his side in silence as he leaned his head on yours.

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