Kyoya x Fem!Musician!Reader

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You were a bit slower in your classes. Not necessarily a "star student." You didn't care much for any academic classes, though you were forced to take more advanced classes. All you cared for was your music. You got into Ouran on a fine arts scholarship because you played Cello. You were very poor at expressing yourself and tended to come of in a harsh or unforgiving way, so the songs you played always portrayed your emotions, how you felt, something that could help you pull those feelings out. The bell rang, dismissing you from math class. You stood and carefully picked up your books, heading for the music room. The second music room was always empty for lunch, you found.
You had been at Ouran for a total of 2 months. You had slowly gotten used to living on your own since your grandparents couldn't handle moving so many miles away. They sent you money to pay for rent and food, but still it was bearly enough. You never found the need to complain though, you were happy with being able to go to such a nice school and live in a decent apartment.
Finally arriving at the music room, you enter with a soft smile. You see the beautiful wooden Cello that you've been using for the past few days. You sit, lifting it between your knees and resting the body across your chest. You lift the bow, preparing to play your piece.
Kyoya was walking by the usually empty room as a short cut to the host club, but stopped when he heard you begin playing. The song was played almost flawlessly, each stroke of the bow beautifully placed. The held so much pent up emotion. So much grief. The pain of loving. He found himself admiring your sound, listening outside the room. The sound of your lonely Cello made his heart squeeze. He wasn't used to this. This overwhelming emotional outpour. It made him feel similar to when he was young. That feeling of helplessness. He felt those past emotions bubbling up again, they were pouring into him from your music.
He walked away once he heard the song end. The sound still resonated within his chest and soul. Once he walked into the host club, he noticed everyone staring at him. "What is it?" He asked, somewhat annoyed. Tamaki walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kyoya, are you okay...?" Kyoya then became acutely aware of the pooling tears cascading down his face. He carefully wiped some away. "Yes...just something in my eyes I assume."
Meanwhile, you carefully put away the Cello, unaware of your previous visitor. You made sure you had time to get back to class, which you had plenty. You didn't have money for lunch, so you opted to study instead. After lunch ended, you walked out of your special room and went to class. Once class began, you heard the teacher say something about your favorite string instrument. "So, if a Cello has 5 strings on it, we can say it-" You quickly raise your hand, being called on immidiatly. "A cello had 4 strings, not 5. If it had 5 it wouldn't be a Cello." A few students giggled, some 'ooo'-d or rolled their eyes.
But one seemed to be very interested in what you said. You knew from his popularity that it was Kyoya Ootori. He was the son of the Ootori medical group. You, as many others, always found him very attractive. But there was more than just his looks that attracted you. Sure he was very handsome to say the least, but he was also intelligent, honest, persistent, sharp, and you could go on.
You're thoughts were interrupted by the teacher, who had been smiling to keep from blowing up. "Maybe if you were as good studying work as you are at studying the Cello, you would do better in my class." Everyone snickered or laughed. You felt your face heat up as you looked down. The person next to you laughed the loudest, making your head lower more. A chair screaching across the floor caught your attention. The boy next to you jumps up and scatters off as someone else takes his place. Looking up, you see its Kyoya. He glances at you, smiling in a soft, kind way. You didn't have any idea how to express your gratitude, so instead you quickly looked down.
The rest of class, you scribbled down notes. Most of which you didnt understand entirely. The teacher stopped, announcing that you'd be doing a pop partner quiz. You got the paper, which appeared in a foreign language to you. You sigh dejectedly before Kyoya carefully taps your paper. "The x is always equal to 180 in this particular case." You look at him a moment before quickly looking to your paper. Although you were the last one done, you finally managed a 100 on a simple quiz thanks to the Ootori boy, even if you only understood part of it. As the bell rang, ending the class, you stood and bowed to him quickly." Th- thank you Ootori-san." He chuckled a bit, handing you a book you nearly forgot. "Please, call me Kyoya. No need to be formal." You nod, smiling a bit. "Ky-Kyoya..." He smiled before you both parted to go to your own classes.
The next class, you somehow didn't feel so alone. You kept thinking of the raven haired boy. Each time you did, your heart would flutter and you'd blush a bit. You remembered hearing about him being in some club that took place in music room 3. After school, you headed there quickly. Not to see him of course, just curiousity obviously. As you opened the doors, you saw the petals fly out as you heard a chorus of Voices.

Word count: 984
Music at the top is the Cello piece you played.

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