Mori x M!Reader 🤤Lemon

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This request was by randomnamenottaken Hope it meets your expectations!!!

TW:a bunch of sexy stuff ahead, please skip if you're uncomfortable!

   "Yay! (N/n)-Chan gets to come too!" Hani excitedly exclaimed, excitedly jumping around. He had picked out a special outfit just for this, a cute white shirt with a bunny in the middle and pink shorts, and of course cute white shoes with bunnies on the ends of the laces.
   You were (Y/N) Fujioka, the twin brother of Haruhi. When Haruhi was enrolled in Ouran, you had been sick so you missed your chance to go the first year, but you often visited your sister in the host club when you could. When the hosts found out you and Haruhi were twins, it suddenly made much more sense why Haruhi could tell the hitachiin twins apart so easily.
   While you and Haruhi were twins, you had some key differences that made you easy to tell art. Your face was a little narrower than Haruhi's, though you still had full features. Your hair was more neatly cut, and your posture was a lot better than your sister's.
   Now, you and Haruhi had been invited on a vacation with just Mori and Hani. Sadly, Haruhi had gotten a cold and couldn't go, but she encouraged you to go without her. So, here you are, side by side with Cute little Hani, and the tallest boy in the school, who you've developed intense feelings for.
   You don't know when it started, but at some point you realized that you had really fallen for the silent boy. He was always gentle, kind, even though he didn't speak much. Plus, he was extremely attractive.
   Mori grabbed both yours and his bags, lifting yours up onto his shoulder. Your cheeks dust a light pink, looking up at him. "Uh, it's okay Mori-senpai, I can get it..." Mori smiles at you softly, letting go of his bag to gently pat your head then grab his things and continue in. You follow quickly behind, your cheeks now a dark red.
   Hani excitedly unlocks your room door, cheering. When you look in, your realize there's only two beds. You look briefly to Mori, who had already been glancing to you. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought you saw a little pink on his cheeks. Hani leapt into one bed, smiling innocently. "I'm gonna sleep by myself, cause last time I accidentally kicked Takashi right off the bed!"
   You almost  could imagine that, what with Hani's martial arts skills. Your face soon turned to a bright pink, realizing that this means you and Mori will be sleeping in the same the same bed. Little did you know that a certain gentle giant had his eyes on you.

   As it started to get dark, Mori hopped in the shower and you sat on the bed, nervously playing with your fingers. Hani had turned on the tv, but was mostly using it for background noise as he played on his Nintendo switch. After Mori got out, Hani got in. It luckily wasn't super tense, though you felt your eyes constantly scanning his shirtless frame as he drank down a bottle of water. After Hani, you got in, taking the longest shower you have in your life trying to prepare your mind for the idea of sleeping next to the one person you've fallen for harder than anyone.
   By the time you get out it 9:30 and you're tiptoeing around because Hani had fallen asleep. Once you dried your hair enough, you slowly slipped into the bed with Mori, texting your sister goodnight and putting your phone down. After about 30 minutes, it seemed that Mori had fallen asleep. You were finally getting a little sleeping, thinking you might get some rest, when a long, strong arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you close. It didn't take you long to realize it was Mori, who was now breathing down your neck. You were immediately wide awake, your face red hot. It didn't help that you were now being poked  in the back side by something stiff and very...very large. After a moment, you felt his hip jerk a bit, then softly grinding against your ass. Your cheeks heated up even more, glancing back to Mori seeing his sleeping face flushed and his breathing having picked up.
   You thought it was probably a bad idea, but you had to test it out. You pressed your ass back into him a little, earning a little grunt from the boy behind you. He was still sleeping, but he felt it for sure. You immediately felt somewhat guilty, knowing that he wasn't aware of what he's doing. And you were sure he didn't look at you in that way. You shifted, turning to face him as his arm still held you close. You blush, gently reaching up and tapping his shoulder. "M-Mori-Senpai...w-wake up...please..."
   Almost instantly Mori's eyes begin to flutter open, meeting yours. It was obvious that he quickly realized the situation, his eyes widening slightly. "Sorry..." Mori said, shame slipping into his voice. You look up at him quickly, your cheeks still pink. "N-no it's fine...! Really... I just.. I knew you wouldn't want to continue something like that with me..." as you looked down, Mori looked at you confused, gently reaching up a hand to redirect your attention to him. The questioning look on his face asked everything, and you could read him pretty well. "I-I just mean..." you stuttered, looking to him, "that you wouldn't look at me that way." Mori shook his head a little, speaking up. "That's not true, (Y/N)..." your eyes widen, looking up at him. He looks serious, though that hint of lust was still there, his hard on obvious in his pants. Your eyes flick down, then back up to him. You knew what it felt like to have to sit there, uncomfortably dealing with a boner. And from what Mori was saying...maybe you'd be okay if you tried to assist him. "'d be okay if I..." you slowly slid your hand down his stomach, palming at the bulge in his pants. "Helped you out a little?" You looked up at him with innocent eyes. Mori's eyes locked onto you as they fluttered, his hips bucking gently as he nods a little.
   You all too eagerly pull his sweat pants and underwear down to his thighs, allowing his now completely hardened cock free from confinement. You wrap one of your hands around at first blushing at the sheer size of it. You couldn't cover the full 8 inches, but you begin quickly jerking him off enthusiastically. His soft breaths turned quickly into heavy panting, holding back noises of pleasure as his hips bucked into your hand. "(Y/N)..." Mori said, though it sounded like a low groan. You looked up at him, happily looking over his face knowing you were giving him so much pleasure. What you saw was breathtaking. His cheeks were flushed, his brows pulled together in pleasure as his eyes watched everything you did. His hair still disheveled from sleeping. It was too much. You felt a spike of courage overtake your body as you lean up, crashing your lips against his passionately with a small moan. Your hand, your lips, it was all so much and it was enough to send Mori over the edge as his cum shot all over your legs, short black shorts, and the sheets. You smiled a little, pulling out of the kiss as Mori panted. He looked down at the mess, looking over your crotch where your own erection stood at half mass. He gently dragged you closer, his face falling into your neck as his breathing slowed. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him and deciding to clean up tomorrow. Soon after, Mori fell asleep.

The next morning, you felt a shifting on the bed and a looming shadow blocked the light that was breaching the windows. You opened your eyes slowly, quickly noticing Mori hovering over you. Then, you notice your half hardened erection angled just slightly away from Mori's fully hard, exposed cock. You almost drooled at the sight, the sleep still not have left you yet. You look back up to Mori, seeing the lustful glint in his eyes. Before you can react, he slips his arms under you lifting you up where you're straddling his thigh. He leans back against the back wall of the bed, his thigh barely pressing against your erection. You look down at him, then his throbbing cock in front of you, reaching down and carefully beginning to stroke it as you had last night, but much slower.
   He let out a low grown, his thigh tensing a little as you moved your hand. He took his hands on either side of your hips, gently grinding you back onto his thigh. You let out a shuddery breath, your hand stuttering a bit. With each pump you give his dick, he carefully grinds you against his thigh, making your own erection throb. After a moment, you're basically humping his thigh desperately, pumping his long cock like your life depends on it. You can't seem to get the friction you want, making you whine and almost tear up in frustration. As soon as Mori noticed, it was like he read your mind. He slowly pulled your shorts down, letting your cock free from the restraint of your shorts that were still messy from last night. He carefully slides you down, your hips even with his as he gently takes both yours and his own erections in his hand, pumping them together slowly. You immediately let out a small moan, your hips bucking, sliding your hard on against Mori's. "M-Mori~" you cooed, trying not to be too loud and way Hani who's sleeping in the other bed. Mori looked at you, pumping faster as you felt your orgasm approach. Just as you thought you'd release, Mori grips onto your dick firmly, stopping everything. You can't help but become a babbling mess, so desperate for the person you loved for so long to make you cum. "M-Mori, mori please, I just- please I can't-" Mori gently leaned forward, looking you in your eyes as he did " me Takashi..." As Mori spoke, your face heated up again. Calling him by his first name in such an intimate time, it was something that had only happened in your wet dreams. You moan softly, bucking your hips a little. "P-please...Takashi~" his eyes widened, instantly beginning to jerk you off at an inhuman pace. You felt your eyes roll back as your orgasm ripped through you, moaning louder than you had intended. Mori gently but firmly covers your mouth, continuing to jerk you against his cock as you begin to feel the overstimulation set in. You moan uncontrollably into his hand, your toes curling as finally mori comes again with a soft, low moan of your name. You collapse against his chest, both of you panting and covered in cum but both too tired to care. You smiles softly, nuzzling into Mori's chest happily. You feel his hands card through your hair as you begin to drift off. "I love you..." you say before drifting off completely. Mori smiles gently, pulling the covers over both of you. "I love you too, (Y/N)"

WOWOWOW 1,929 words guys!
I hope this was what you wanted!!!

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