Chapter 13

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Nolan P.O.V.

I walk next to Jordan through the stores. Jay holds her hand and kisses her so many times.


"So can I tell you something?" Jay says to me as we sit on my coach in the basement.

"Sure bud." I say check my phone. No texts or calls.

"I've liked Jordan since 8th grade and I don't know if I should ask her out. She's dating Logan though." He says.

"I like her too." I say.

"I mean like dating her like her." He says.

"I know me too." I say.

"Oh. Remember, bro's before hoes?" Jay says. "Why don't we just see who she likes?"

"Deal." I say and we shake on it.

End of flashback

Well we know who she likes now.

"Earth to Nolan?!" Jordan says and waves her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I ask.

"I ask you if you have a girlfriend yet?"

"Oh um no." I say and rub my neck. Why would she ask me that? Your her best friend dumbass. Crap. Friendzoned.

"That sucks. But I promise you'll find someone." She says and smiles. Jordan walks into Aeropostale as Jay walks away with Rose to a toy store. I run over to Jordan.

"I thought you would have went with Jay and your little secret admire." She says and giggles. Oh gosh she's so hot.

"No, they are together and your alone." I say. I follow her around and a few girls wave at me.

"Go talk to them." Jordan says winking at me. I walk over to them.

"Hey ladies." I say.

"Hi, Im Kate." Says one of the girls.

"I'm Abby." The shorter girl says.

"Are you single?" Kate asks me. Crap crap crap.

"No." I say.

"Oh. Is that your girlfriend?" They say pointing to Jordan. Don't do it Nolan your just going to make it worst!

"Yeah she is." I say. Jordan starts to walk over to us.

"Hi!" She says.

"So your his girlfriend?" Abby asks. Fuck.

"Girlfr-." Jordan starts but I mash my lips into hers making her stop. She gasps and try's to back away. I hold her so she can't. I kiss her lightly before I let her go. She stairs at me. I'm silent. "Girlfriend?" She finishes.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. She looks around.

"Just don't do it again." She snaps and walks out of the store. My heart sinks. Nice going.

I know. I ruined everything.

Jordan P.O.V.

Even thought this is a small house we have a pool. I bought a new swimsuit at the mall and I love it. Its a baby blue color and strapless. I hope Jay loves it too. Also, what's with Nolan? Ugh. Now I'm in a love triangle ain't I? The bathroom door opens and it's Rose.

"I can't swim can I?" She asks. I forgot about her.

"Do you want to try a tampon? You don't have to okay?" I say. She nods and I help her.

"Do you feel okay?" I ask as she moves around.

"It feels a little weird." She says.

"It will till you get use to it." I say and smile. I help her get in her swimsuit. My top comes untied. I take it off and mess with it. The door opens to Nolan.

"Oh shit." He says and closes the door.

"It's not like you haven't see it before!" I call out laughing. He opens it just a crack and flips me the bird. I smack his hand.

"I hate you!" I say giggling. I cover myself and open the door the rest of the way. Nolan checks me out. I walk over to Jay and tap his shoulder. He turns around and he smirks.

"Can you tie this?" I ask.

"Turn around." He says. I obey and uncover myself as he wraps it around me. I see Nolan look at my boobs before they are covered. Jay ties it and I turn back around. He and Nolan already have their trunks on. Me and Nolan run outside. Also really cool thing about our pool is it also has a hot tub. I jump in the pool and Nolan follows. I see Jay jump in with Rose. I swim over to Jay and he brings me close to his wet body. The way his hands touch me make me crazy. We swim over to the hot tub as Rose and Nolan race.

"So." I say sitting in the hot water. Jay lays his trunks on the side of the hot tub. He sides my bottoms down my legs. He opens my legs and enters me. I bite my lip. This is the first time having sex in almost 4 months. He bigger now. A tear slips down my cheek.

"What's wrong?" He whispers in my ear pulling out then back in.

"Your bigger and I haven't had sex like this for awhile." I whisper in his chest.

"What are you guys doing?" I hear Rose say.

"Me and your dad are having a little talk." I say. Jay looks at me and pulls out. He slips his trunks back on and I slip mine on.

"Oh." She says and sits next to me.

"Jordan! someone is calling you!" Nolan yells at me. I get out of the hot tub and wrap a towel around my body. I run inside and look at my phone. No missed calls. My body slam on the wall. I scream. Nolan opens the back door. There's a knife pressed to my throat.

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