Chapter 10

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Jay's P.O.V.
Seahawks win. I change and as jealous rushes through me and the team. Jordan always wins. I thought I could win but since I'm not on her team I didn't. I walk out of the locker room. Jordan. She looks at me and stands awkwardly. She has on jean short shorts and a low cut tank top. She is fine.
"Hey." She says walking over to me.
"Congrats." I say.
"I know your disappointed." She says frowning. "I'm sorry." She says.
"Don't be sorry! This is just how it's going to be for now on. One of us will win. One will lose." I say and rub her arm.
"Here." Jordan says and grabs both of my hands and leans up pressing her lips on mine. If we were alone I would do so many things.
"Hey Connors!" Derrick yells behind us. Jordan groans and I pull her closer. Our lips still touching.
"Don't fucking eat her!" John says. This is the first make out session I've had with her in forever so they better shut the f up. She holds onto my shirt as One of the guys pull her away. I hold her tighter. This is real life.
Her being pulled away and I let her go. Not this time. I think she is thinking that to. The guys let her go and we move back a step. I feel a door on my back Jordan breaks the kiss and looks in my eyes still holding on to my shirt.
"Come in here." I say opening to unknown door. It's dark inside and Jordan shuts the door. She turns on the light and we are in a large closet full of cleaning supples. I hear something happening outside. I try to open up the door but It won't open.
"You two have fun!" I hear Kanden say and laughs as the rest do too.
"Since we are going to be in here for awhile." Jordan says and goes into a whisper. "Lets do the dirty." She says and winks. I suck in a deep breath.
"I don't have any condoms." I mumble to her.
"So?" She says and grabs a mop. "I said do the dirty? Did you think I meant sex?" My cheeks become dark red I know it.
"No." I say and my voice cracks. Damn it.
"I was kidding." Jordan says dropping to mop to the floor. She jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. "I love you." She says as I push her up on the door. I smile and kiss her neck.
"I love you too." I say. I move her hair out of the way and move down.
"Your stubble is tickling me!" She say giggling and squirming around rub in my dick.
"Stop moving or you'll make me cum." I groan.
"Someone's on their period." Jordan says and smiles.
"Jerk." I say and take off her shirt.
"Nice bra." I say looking at the dark blue lace bra. She blushes.
"Only one clean!"
"Lair." I say and smirk.
"It's true!" Jordan says and slaps my chest.
"Okay." I say and slid my pants and boxers off. Jordan jumps off me and wiggles off her shorts and Panties.
"Nice panties." I say seeing the bra and them match.
"Don't call them that." She says covering her ears.
"Panties! Panties!" I sing. I bend down and left her legs on my shoulders. I feel her shiver. I work my magic as she pulls on my hair.
"Jay, JAY!" She screams. I can hear the guys laughing outside the room. Please don't come in... She cums in my mouth and the door opens. I lick it up and then put her down.
"Whoa!" John says looking away. The guys look at Jordan and it sets me on fire. I grab my clothes as Jordan grabs hers. She slips on her underwear and runs out of the room. I have only my boxers and shirts on.
"Jordan!" I yell. My neck snaps to the guys.
"You got a little." The dickhead of a friend of Jordan's says pointing around his mouth. I wipe my mouth and run down the hall putting my pants on.
"Jordan!" I yell. She is in my middle of the hall crying. She looks at me.
"Stop!" She yells. I stop in my tracks and she walks over to me. I feel something hit my cheek. "Because of you! I'm not going to treated like a guy anymore! This isn't our high school team anymore asshole! They would forget about it. These guys won't! They haven't been my friends for more than 10 years like the others! Don't you see?! We can't do this anymore! We can't be the star-crossed lovers from different teams!" I look at the ground and see her wedding ring.
"Yes we can." I whisper.
"No! I'm not going to do that! I haven't seem you for 3 months! I can't do this again! You take Rose and I'm leaving." I say and walk away.
"Don't you fucking dare leave your daughter! You can leave me in the burn depths of hell! But you are not leaving Rose!" I scream at her. Jordan turns around.
"I'm sorry." She says and runs down the hall. I pick up her ring And spin it in my hand. I close my hand around it and go to find my little duck. We can make it without her. I know Rose can. But I don't know about me.... I look back down the hall where Jordan went and she is talking to that guy. My blood boils. I move out of view and watch.

"He's a dick." The guy says and pushes the hair out of her face.

"I love him Tom." She says and wipes her eyes. Tom...

"He doesn't love you." He says. I want to kill him.

"Yes he does. He married me." Jordan says. I do love you.

"Let me show you what really love is." Tom says and moves her head and kisses her. She kisses back. I try to hold it back. I throw up all over the floor. She likes him now. Not me!

"Jay!" She says and runs over to me. I get on the floor still throwing up everything in my body. She helps me up and I cover my mouth. Jordan laces her fingers with mine and pulls me to the guys bathroom. I run into the stall and get sick again. She rub my back and I sit there for a second. "Do you need anything?" She asks.

"Water." I say. She rubs out of the stall and I see Tom. I sit there and I hear the door open again. Jordan opens the stall with a cup of water. I take a sip and spit it out. "Thanks." I say wiping my mouth.

"Your welcome." She says with soft green eyes. She's the first person ever I ever seen with those eyes and hair on a girl.

"I saw you kiss him back." I say getting it out.

"Oh." She says and looks away. "He's nothing like you. No one can be as good as you."

"Then tell me. I mite forgive you if you tell me how it feel when I'm around." I say. I always wondered.

"I feel safe. Like no one can touch me. And when you hug me I feel so warm and cozy. When you hold my hand its like a firework is in our hands. Then your kiss. Oh, your kiss is like magic. You always taste like Honey and Mint. Your lips are soft and know when it's the right time. Your hands touch me like no one has before. So gently. Your eyes are so hazel and bright. They make me do anything. I thought Logan's made be do anything. I was so wrong. You could make a Dog talk. Your voice is so velvety. Your accent makes me melt. So deep." She stops. "But most of all. You make me feel like I'm worth something. I hate you sometimes. But I can't leave you. Leaving you and Rose would be the death of me."

"Then don't." I say.

"I'm not." She says. "There's water right next to the door. It toke me forever right? I quit."

"You what?" I say.

"I'm living with you." She says and grabs my hand. I open my palm and slip the ring on her finger. "I also have something to tell you." Jordan bites her lip.

"What is it?" I say moving closer to her.

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