Chapter 12

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Jay P.O.V.

Happy new year everyone! 2014 was a great year and I hope 2015 is even better!

I drive to the drug store. She's growing up to fast. My wife is pregnant and now my daughter has her period. Two cranking women in the house. Oh god I hope this one is a boy! I park and get out of my truck. My little duck. I open the glass door and walk inside. A girl runs over to me.

"OMG! Your Jason Connors!" She squeals.

"Uh, yeah." I say.

"Can I have your autograph?! Your so cute!" She says. She hands me a piece of paper. I write my name on it and she squeals running back to her mom. That's going to be different. I walk over to the pads and look. How should I know what to pick?!

"Looking for your girlfriend?" A woman asks next to me. I look at her.

"No my daughter." I say.

"It takes a really man to buy tampons." She says and laughs.

"She's 10 and my wife said to get small ones and I really don't know what to get." I say. The woman smiles at me then hands me a pack of pads. "Thank you." I say and go to the counter. A guy rings me up and looks at me weird.

"For my daughter." I say and tap my foot. He glares at me then give me the bag. I go back to my truck and my phone rings. Kanden.

"Hello?" I say turn on my truck.

"Bro! Where you at?" He asks.

"CVS." I say.

"You should come over." He says. "Just me here." He says.

"I don't know. I have to give Rose something." I say as I drive.

"They can come too." He says.

"I'll ask how about that?" I ask giving in. He's one of my best friend now. Me, Alex, and Nolan are still brothers though.

"Great!" He says and hangs up. He better not be having a party.


"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I yell at him.

"What a call a few of the guys over and some strippers whatever." He says. My blood boils.

"No I brought my kid here." I say pissed.

"Do you care kid?" Kanden asks Rose. She looks at him.

"No." She says.

"Babe?" He asks Jordan.

"Don't call me babe first of all and no I don't care." She says. I sit on the couch next to Luke and Jordan leans on the couch between my legs as Rose sits on the floor. Some of the guys are drinking, the ones that can, and one asks if I want one.

"No I have to drive back." I say pushing it away. I see a smile on Jordan's lips. A legs are throw on the shoulders.

"Want a dance?" the stripper asks me. Rose stands up.

"Get your legs off my daddy!" Rose yells at the girl.

"Or what?" the girl ask. Rose wanted to bring Coco and Kanden didn't mind.

"Go Coco!" Rose says throwing him at her. the little dog chases the girl around the room. I can't even breath. Jordan is laughing. Rose grabs Coco and he licks her all over her face.

"My girl." I say hugging her. She smiles. The girl is crying. We end up leaving a few minutes later.

Jordan P.O.V.

In the morning I wake up and slowly climb out of bed. Jay isn't with me so I walk into the kitchen. He stands shirtless by the TV watching the news.

"Jordan." He says.

"What?" I ask and making myself a cup of coffee. His tan arms wrap around me.

"I was wondering if you want to go shopping today." He whispers in my ear. Jay fans a paycheck in front of my face.

"A half a million dollars!" I scream.

"Yup!" He says. He spins me around the kitchen. I giggle as Jay kisses my lips as Rose walks in.

"Ewww!" She says.

"What's so gross?" I ask her.

"You two kissing." She says and wiggles her nose. Jay licks my cheek.

"Eww!" I say and wipe my cheek.

"What to go shopping today?" He asks Rose.

"Sure and mom can I talk to you?" She asks.

"Sure." I say and follow we into her room.

"What is it?" I ask. The door burst open.

"The party has started!" I almost pass out.

"Nolan!" I scream and jump into his arms. He squeezes me and kisses my forehead.

"I missed you so much!" I cry out.

"Me too." He says. "Also good win yesterday."

"Thanks." I say smiling at my best friend.

"So I heard you are going shopping today?" He says. "Can I come?"

"Well duh!" I say and slap his arm. Nolan eats breakfast with us and I see Rose look over at him a lot.

"Rose are you going to tell Nolan what happened last night?" Jay says smirking.

"Jay she doesn't want to talk about it right now."

"Why? I knew before you even knew." He says and looks at me.

"Because I was scared okay? I mean really if your at school and you start bleeding from weird places you would freak out too!" I say as blush rises in my cheeks.

"I started." Rose whispers. Nolan looks at her and smiles.

"See I knew something looked different about you!" He says joking around. Rose blushes and then looks at me for help to change the subject.

"So I heard You boys won the game last Saturday." I say with a smile.

"Yup!" Nolan says and winks at me. "See we can win without you. Maybe even by one point." I laugh.

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