Chapter 9

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Picture of Jay's first tattoo above!!!! Also Happy holidays! I hope you guys have a great day and I love y'all!

"Damn!" I say moving my sore but badass arm around looking at it in the mirror. "This is sick!"
"That's awesome dude." Kanden says. The guy puts bandages around my arm. We walk out of the tattoo parlor.
"Happy you get to see your girl this Sunday?" He asks me.
"Hell yeah I miss them both." I say.
"I got to meet the Jordan." Kanden says and starts his car.
"She somethin'." I say and smile. Rose us trying to FaceTime me. I answer it.
"Daddy!" She squeals.
"Rose Marie Connors! What did I tell you about-." Jordan yells coming into the shot then stops.
"Hey." I say. She gulps. We haven't really talked since the car wreck 3 months ago. She said she didn't want to cry everyday talking to me.
"Jay." Jordan whispers. "I got to go clean." She says and walks into their kitchen.
"What's wrong your arm?" Rose asks me walking into her room shutting the door.
"Don't tell your mom." I say. She nods. "I got a tattoo."
"Cool! I won't tell." She says. I talk to her for a little bit longer till Kanden drops me off at my small house I bought. Since the game is going to be in New York and make sure Rose's room is ready and the house is clean. They are stay with me this weekend. The next few days is hard knowing I'm going to see my girl tomorrow. Friday morning I jump up. I make some coffee drop my cup of the floor when the door bell rings. I run to the door and see its just my neighbor.
"Could I have a few eggs?" The old lady asks me.
"Uh, sure." I say and walk into the kitchen and grab three eggs.
"Thank you so much." She says and walks off the porch. Hours go by and They still ain't here. There's a knock on the door. I walk to the door and open it. Tiny arms are throw around my leg. Jordan stand there as Rose hugs me. I hug her and kiss her all over her face.
"I missed you so much!" I say. " go check out your room." I tell her and she runs down the tiny hallway. I look back at Jordan and open my arms. Her arms are throw around my neck and she kisses me. I wrap my arms around her body bring her so close. I let the kiss go on forever. It feels like 10 second till she pulls away but I know it was at lest a minute.
"I love you." She says putting her head in my chest.
"I love you more." I say. I take the girls to lunch which I didn't let go of Jordan's hand. I haven't had her for 3 months. We go home and Rose goes to her room giving me and Jordan alone time. I've had a long sleeve shirt on all day.
"Can I show you something?" I ask when I take her to my bedroom.
"Yes." She says. I take off my shirt and she gasps jumping up. "A tattoo?" She asks moving her hands on my shoulder tracing the dark thick lines.
"Do you like it?" I ask.
"So sexy." She says. Jordan looks into my eyes. I watch her. I put my hands on her hips and she bites her lip. She jumps a little. I have a huge boner.
"How's your team? Better than mine?" I ask and smile.
"Good but I haven't seen your yet so I don't know." She says.
"Do they call you Luck or Connors?" I ask.
"Luck." She says.
"It breaks my heart that I know I'm going to win tomorrow." I say holding in a smirk. She slaps my hard chest.
"We all know my team is winning tomorrow."
"As if all my team is in the hospital."
"That can happen you know?" She says with the sexiest smirk.
"I haven't seen you for 3 months and we are talking about who's team is better." I say and chuckle.
"You change the subject so your scared!" Jordan says backing up from me. She turns off the lights and its dark in here. I hear her get on my bed and the blankets move. I put my hands out in front of me so I don't hit anything.
"Boo!" She says and I feel her cold hands on mine.
"Ah!" I say playfully and she pulls me on the bed with her. She gets on top of me and put her lips so close to mine. I lean up a little so our lips touch. I wrap my arms around her lower back and her hands wonder my chest. They leave and I feel her hands again on mine pushing them lower. I cup her ass in my hands and she pulls on my lip. I noticed after awhile she pulls on my lip when she is frustrated.
"Jay." A moan comes from her swollen lips.
"Tell me." I say cupping her ass harder.
"Please don't let me leave again." She says and puts her head in my chest.
"I can't promise that sweetheart."
Game day.

Me, Jordan, and Rose get in my truck and drive to the stadium. When we get there it becomes awkward.

"Luck!" I hear a guy yell and I see a tall dirty blonde guy run over to Jordan. She smiles at him and then another guy walks over. I find Kanden and start practicing on the field.

"Damn your girl is hot." He says staring at Jordan. I watch as she gets on a black haired guys back and he runs again. She throws her head back laughing. My stomach twists. "And cheating on you." Kanden say.
"No she isn't." I snap. Nolan, Jackson, or Alex I'm fine with but not a random guy that I don't know. I walk over them after I Finish changing. Jordan has her helmet on talking to the blonde boy again. "Hey." I say taking Jordan's helmet off kissing her. The blonde boy gives us room backing away.

"Jay, this is John." She says. "John, this is My husband Jay." I feel like saying "So back off." But I keep my cool.

"Nice Tattoo." He says nodding to my arm. You can see it peaking out a little.

"Thanks." I say.

"Hey babe go back me a sandwich." The black haired guy from before says to Jordan. Anger flows over me.

"What did you just call her?" I ask stepping in front of her.

"What are you, her bodyguard?" The guys pushes. "Go back to your wimpy team." He pushes me back a little. I go to punch him.

"Jason Michael Connors you better put your hand down right this second!" Jordan yells behind me. I lower my arm and turn around facing her.

"This isn't high school anymore baby. You'll be in jail if you punch him." She says putting her hand on my cheek. "Go practice and I promise I can handle myself."

"What's up." Kanden says next to us. Perfect timing.

"This is Kanden." I say turning to him.

"Nice to meet you." Jordan says putting out his hand. He slaps his hand on hers and shakes.

"You too. You must be Con's girlfriend? Sorry, I'm his bitch already." He says and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Yes but I'm his wife." Jordan says.

"But I'm his bitch right?" Kanden says.

"I guess." She says and giggles.

"Come on." I say pulling him to our side of the field.

"Your sexy by the way!" He yells to her. I look behind me as he runs to the team. She winks and blows a kiss to me. I act like I'm catching it and slam my hand on my cheek. She smiles and turns back the the black haired boy and John.

Jordan teased me all of practice. More than she usually does. Our Coachs have the same stretches. I stand behind Jordan and when we go to touch our toes she wiggles her ass.

"I'm going to end up slapping your butt." I mumble to her. We stand up and she flips her hair over her shoulder shaking it off. We run a few laps around as people start filling the stands. Rose is by my coaches talking.

"Get ready to lose." Jordan says to me before the game starts. I put on my helmet as she does. I hold out my hand.

"May the best player win." I say.

"That's what the losers always say." She says and smiles. I run to my team as she runs to hers. I pick up Rose and squeeze her tight. We have Defense first. I stand on the side lines watching Jordan. She throws the perfect past every time.

I'm happy the guys on my team tackle her likes she's a guy. She would be pissed if they didn't. I got out and Jordan looks behind her running the side lines. She slips off her helmet and smiles. I put in my mouth guard and play when Woods throws me the ball.

At halftime me and Jordan just look at each other. My team is up by half. She mite be my wife, but I will fight like I hate her.

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