"If she wasn't already dead I'd kill her..." Her words tasted bitter, full of hurt and a twinge of betrayal though she knew there was so much more to the puzzle she was just now able to piece together. A heavy silence filled the room before her head shot up again, eyes wide though unfocused.

"Wait a minute...," Her stomach gave a riotous flip, "She's not dead."


"When she goes into the spirit realm her body get's cold, goes very still like her 'spirit' is somewhere else. When I held her, she was cold. Cold! There is no way she would've been that way had she just fallen in battle! She was cold because she wasn't there!" Her body gave a mighty shudder, a fire like a snake slithering down her spine.


"The rune...the rune on the...on the..." Honeymaren had quite literally run out of steam. Her body no longer able to support itself on the adrenaline that had roused her epiphany, "The arrow...the arrow is the key..."

Before she could pitch sideways out of the chair Kristoff caught her in his arms, his brow furrowed with concern, "She's burning up..." He pulled his hand from Honeymaren's forehead, "She needs to rest...Where's the bedroom?"

"This way..." Ryder helped Kristoff get a good hold on his sister before rushing forward towards the room he himself had never entered, he could only guess that it was where they needed to go.

Both men shared a glance at the other from the unmade bed, obvious that two people had recently shared the space. An unspoken glance between the men was shared, a shrug and grin from Ryder and a confused almost surprised raise of the brows from Kristoff before they remembered what they really needed to do,

"Take her shoes. Dead or Alive Elsa would kill us if we got anything in here dirty." Even outside of the castle, stepping inside Elsa's private space left Kristoff feeling extremely uncomfortable. Though the walls around him didn't feel oppressive they still felt sacred, precious.

Ryder sheepishly looked down at his own boots that had thankfully stopped tracking mud all over the house before he quickly moved to his sister who was held aloft in Kristoff's arms, "Right."

A shift and a tug later and Ryder was moving to pull the blankets back further, the soft scent of jasmine and herbs filling his nose. The combined scents leaving no doubt as to who had previously been inside.

"So, let's say Honemaren's right." Ryder helped to pull his sister into the bed and position her onto her side with a pillow between her arms to keep the pressure off the wound on her back, "What does it all mean?"

Kristoff let out a slow breath as he accepted the blankets from Ryder and laid them over Honeymaren, "It means we might actually be able to do something."


Elsa found herself forcibly thrust outside of her earthly body, time around her having had stopped. Her spirit form turned to see into her own face of agony, frozen in time. She spun weightlessly, looking for those she had sought to protect. Instantly, she could see Honeymaren, her body still, her face twisted with hopeless despair. Another turn made her heart thump, where was Anna? Her eyes shot towards the cliff face but she did not see what she had hoped and her heart sunk even lower. Then, a hauntingly deep laugh from behind sent a chill through her entire being.

Just as she turned to address the voice the world flashed a brilliant white. Time had not stopped, not completely, rather it had merely slowed down. Her attention was now drawn back to her own body falling in slow spirals towards the ground. Her train wrapping around her form like broken wings. A heavy thump rippling through the world sending it spiraling forward in time.

Frozen III: Night Of Black SunWhere stories live. Discover now