"It was smooth sailing for me after passing through top 5"

"That night, I was attacked"

"Beaten to a pulp, the teachings of the school was not enough on numbers"

"There were ten's of them"

"I was lying there tired, waiting for dawn"

"Luckily, my father was passing by, and I got to sleep on a bed"

"The attackers were not found, I didn't get to see the looks of their face"

"They covered half part of their faces, I only got to see their disgusting eyes and smiles"

"My father mad"

"He called out his connections in the guild, and even made a favor to the guild master for investigation"

"The investigation took days to uncover the truth but, it only took me the morning to find out my attackers"

"Because of my training night after night, and schooling day after day."

"I was able to recuperate for just one day"

"That morning, I was able to find out that the attackers were my own classmates"

"The top ten"

"Those F*ckers!" 

"I felt like, I was in for the kill that morning"

"My body was trembling like I was taken over by a demon and trying to overcome it"\

"The moment I saw their faces, their smirks."

"uGHH, I was disgusted"

"Last night, I was thinking of quitting a school that can't help me get stronger"

"And today, If I quit not, they will be the one who will protect the people of Elkia?!"

"I know I was better than that and remained calm"

"I was able to survive class and got home in a hidden alley"

"I investigated"

"My father investigated"

"It was the works of nobles"

"That night, my father was only happy that I got to survived and not got killed"

"For there were brighter paths ahead of me"

"After my further investigation, the top 5 till 1 were nobles"

"They didn't mind my actions at first but after winning to a one on one sword dual to the top 5, it all began that day>"

"They have been making strategies for the Assault"

"I remembered their faces, their names, and even their personalities"

"I quit school and made a living on my own until I joined the Queen's army, and was moved out to your ranks, General"

Medic: That's a sad story...
            : At least that made you stronger.

"Yea!" Yes" He's right" Other's agreed_

Sian: Any plan of revenged? (dark tone)

               "None, I don't have the power unlike the nobles" He replied_

Medics: What's their family names?

Assault: Swertz was one of my attackers and top 1 that time.

Medics: Just so you know...
               : I am a noble.......

"What?!!!!!" That was a shocking confessions. Despite the fact that the captain of the assault was just dissing the nobles a while ago.

Assault: I'm really-really sorry for my words a while ago. (Apologized SWIFTLY after hearing his confession)

Sian: Oh yeah, he is a noble. It was written in his files, and he's the only one here who is a noble.

Assault: What? Why didn't you say so earlier?! 

"sorry-sorry_ hehehe)

Medic: It's okay I was not hurt, for I was commoner at first.
            : Grand father was a commoner, My Grandmother was a commoner.
            : My Mother was a commoner, and my Father was a commoner at first 
           : But due to his knowledge and talent being a doctor.
            : My whole family was titled nobility from the previous king before he passed away.

           : And you said it was Swertz?

   "Yes" Assault replied_

             Medic: My ranks of nobility is way higher than it
                           : So wanna get your revenge?

   "Forget about it for now, we have a huge crises coming." Assault_

Sian: He's right and I've completely forgot that you're all here for me to teach you all"

              Alicia: Teach?

              Sian: How to drive the helicopter.
                        : Driving the trucks for transportation.
                        : Using the tank
                        : Using anti- air turrets
                         : Mechanical Engineering
                         : Electrical Engineering 
                         : Masonry for the base
                         : Etc.

"And I've change my mind building a circle-round shaped fortress"

"It should be shaped PENTAGON"

    "I'll tell all the necessary information tomorrow, for now, we should do some changes on the construction plan." Sian_

"A Pentagon shaped like fortress with anti-air turrets. With electricity. Earth quake proof, Fire proof, Water proof, and even Magic proof if possible. I should find and let a capable magician to cover this giant fortress of anti-magic. Well, I doubt there's a living legend capable of covering it with it's power. After all, I plan on making it big. It should be impenetrable. So I can leave with the army without worries and take over the world" (thought)Sian_

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