"I would like to have a nice polite conversation with you."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to tell you anything."

"How about instead of growling at me, you talk with me."

"Fine. But, I will not tell you anything." He just rolled his eyes.

"So, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Viggo Grimborn and this is my brother Ryker. Would you like to introduce yourself?" 

Viggo Grimborn, ruthless, intelligent, businessman. Honest and more mentally capable than physically capable. To outwit him you need to think outside of the box and never use the same move twice. Ryker Grimborn, ruthless, menacing, strong. He has a lot of brawn and not a lot of brains. Better to outsmart him than to go against him one on one. Older than Viggo but listens to him because he's Viggo's, right-hand man.

"You already know who I am. The Dragon Lady." Viggo slowly blinked once.

"Okay. I would like to tell you that I am an honest businessman. If you give me the information I want then I'll be on my way."


"So, does Hiccup Haddock have a base."

"Who?" It hurt so much pretending that I didn't know who Hiccup was.

"Hiccup Haddock. Have you not heard of him? I'm pretty sure you have, though. You ride a dragon, and you wear armour that's so similar to his."

"Oh! No, I was abandoned when I was a baby and my Nadder's mother cared for me. I spied on humans long enough to figure out that they wore clothes and figured out how to make some for myself. I mostly used my Nadder's scales, though." Viggo looked at Ryker for a minute perplexed.

"Then how do you speak Norse so fluently?"

"I learned from the Defenders of the Wing. Their queen found me about five years ago and taught me Norse."

"Okay, this is not going the way I wanted. However, you are also a big obstacle between me and my business, so where is your base."

"I don't have one."

"How old are you?"

"Why does that matter?"

"How old are you?"

"Not saying."

"What's your real name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

The questions went on and on. It was noon the next day when he finally gave up for the day.

"Ryker, throw her into her cell and no food or water for three days or until she's ready to talk."

I immediately fell asleep.

The next day I was starving and dehydrated, but I wouldn't tell them what they wanted to know.

It was nearing nightfall, at least according to the other dragons, when I heard a whisper.

"Dragon Lady?"

"What do you want?"

"I'm getting you out of here."


"Because I hate Viggo." The stranger stepped into the light of my cell and I saw a young man. "Dragon Lady, if you ever see my wife, Autumn Flight, tell her that her husband loves her and he never forgot her."

"I will."

"Thank you. Now go!"

I ran towards the first cage and opened it. I was freeing the dragon when a blast hit the ship. Heather.

"Wait, for my signal. We'll all take off, as one."

The dragons nodded.

I had reached the last cage when I heard Ryker come up, "Well, well, well, if it isn't our prisoner."

"Come at me, Ryker." I challenged, "You! Use your tail to free this dragon and go." I pointed at a Razorwhi then pointed at the unopen cage.

"Your growling is pointless."

"Is it? Or are you an idiot?"

He gave me a confused look, then the dragon still trapped was free. I took my chance and called for all of the dragons to blast apart the ship's deck. I stared Ryker down as we circled each other, "You're tired and hungry. You won't last long."

"That may be, but you should learn to never underestimate me." I stopped pacing and raised my hand. Stormfly glided down and picked me up.

"I've got you, Astrid."

"I never doubted you would. Now let's get out of here."

As soon as, Heather saw Stormfly and I rise she stopped attacking the ship.

"Hey, Stormfly. I think I'm going t-"

I never finished my sentence because I fell unconscious.


Sorry for the lame names. I have zero inspiration. So if you want to hit me with names then, by all means, go ahead. In full honesty, I encourage you to give me names. Names for female dragons, names for male dragons, for women, men, boys and girls. Names for anything even places. Thank you in advance.

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