Toothless's Welcome

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I'm extremely sorry if Dreamchaser is a bit hard to understand. I hope you can figure it out or if you need translations just comment. Sorry.

Sky's POV

I can't believe it! He's back! Ughhhhhh! He is so frustrating! He left me alone! For a year!

"Mama?" Dreamchaser asked me. I cuffed her on the head.

"Don't ever do that again! You could've died! You would've died if I hadn't come when I did! Promise me you will always, ALWAYS ask me if you can go somewhere before you do! Promise me, Dream. I can't lose you."

Dreamchaser looked stunned. I had never yelled at her before. She recovered herself, "I's pomis, mama. I's pomisses."

I pulled her close to me and kept her in my wings until she stopped trembling. 

"Sky? Sky? Are you here?"

As soon as, Toothless walked in I hit him on the face, "Leave. Me. Alone! You certainly had no trouble leaving me alone before! Dream, let's go. We're spending the night at your Aunt's."

She climbed onto my shoulders and hooked her claws around my wings. I took off at top speed. Dream started to giggle which made me smile.

I slowly glided down into Peace's cave.

"Sky! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was hoping we could stay the night."

"Of course, you can. But, why would you need to."

"Let's just say I have an annoying pest who won't leave me alone."

"Mama, who's stange dagon?"

"We are not speaking of him, Dream. He is annoying." 

Dreamchaser's POV

I was pretty sure they thought I was asleep because Auntie Peace asked, "Who is he, really?"

Mama sighed and said, "He came back." Wait! Mama knows him! "It's just... I don't know what to do. I still love him." What? Why was she pushing him away if she loves him? "But, he left without even saying goodbye. He didn't come back. And now I just don't understand." Who is this strange dragon who Mama is in love with and is mad at?

"Maybe you should talk to him. You said you love him, and I don't see any other way of getting answers."

"You're right, Peace." Said, mama and then yawned, "I'll talk to him tomorrow."

I laid awake thinking of the strange dragon.

I heard soft snores come from mama and Auntie Peace, so I decided to find out for myself.

10 minutes later

"Whew, tat tiying!"

After a minute I walked up to the dragon and started poking him, "Miseo. Dagon! Miseo! Waky waky! I's wants ta ask you's qwestions!"

The dragon opened one green eye, "You!"

"No twake tat twone wit I! I's qwestions you!"

"Come back when the sun is up."

"Uh-uh. I's hese nwow!" He closed his eye again. The nerve!

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