Chapter 12-End of the Beginning

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Author:"Welcome everyone to the last chapter of Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji Ishimura. And it's the time for the last part and now let's the reading her started!!!"
Inside the dining hall, Alex and Adam were circling each other. Adam was the first to move, dashing towards Alex. Alex parries his thrust with the blade attachment of his pistol, then punches him straight across the face, before doing a backflip kick. Adam staggers a bit before engaging again, his quick strikes and slashes begin dodged and evaded by Alex, before he was able to time his attack correctly and catch his hand. He yanks it forward, sweeps him off his feet, the does an inhuman-quick jump back kick, which sends him off at the end of the dining hall, crashing against a pile of tables. Adam slowly recovers from the pile as he dusts himself, then they began encircling each other again.

Adam:"I'll admit, you've proven to be a worthy opponent for a filthy hybrid. I should've expected much more from the Great Alexander Evans."

Alex:"Was that a compliment or a ridicule?"

Adam:"Who cares? You superiority in speed won't be enough to stop me."

Alex:"Are you even listening to yourself? Your was between Humans and Faunus has gone too far, and I'm ending it here by defeating you. Surrender, and you might as well save yourself from a life-sentenced jail cell in Atlas."

Adam:"Over my dead body filthy hybrid."

Alex shook his head disappointingly, before he raised his pistol at him.

Alex:"You've had your chance."

As he finished his sentence, he activates the pistol in its melee from. The grip straightened out as the rest of the blade unfolds outwards, while the barrel compacts into itself. It was longer than his own arm. They dash at each other, flashes of blue and red we're emanted as their weapons clash against each other.

After a clash, they were both knocked back. Adam shoots a couple rounds towards Alex, who deflects them all by moving at super speed, and then darts, forward and delivers a series of slashes bay Adam, who was unable to keep up with the speed to block them. Alex loads a magazine into his sword, and fires a round and uses the momentum to knock Adam's sword away, and giving him a roundhoused kick straight in the chest, launching him back, laying flat on his stomach. Before he could even have the chance to recover Alex kicks him in the head, but was not enough to knock him out.

Alex:"Your so-called philosophy, stops now."

Before Alex can land a killing blow, something catch his attention. He turns to see an armada of White Fang with guns raised at him. He flips backward in time to evade the bullet s was being fired upon before taking cover in one of the long dining tables.

Adam:"Stop! He's mine."

His men stand down as he picks up his sword and slowly advances towards the table that Alex is hiding at. Alex knows his outnumbered and outgunned quickly leaves the dining hall in a flash, leaving trails of blue light. As Adam came close upon the table be slashes the table in half and finds its empty.

Adam:"In time Evans. We'll meet again. Withdraw the rest of you! Our business here is done."

Meanwhile, Yuji were flying as quickly as he could in his Griffon form, using his ice to move faster which was slowly consuming his Aura, towards Beacon, out came Jaune and Pyrrha, who was carrying Alex's weapon. Pyrrha noticed a Grimm with purple eyes and poked Jaune's should to gain his attention towards Yuji. When he were in reach, he turn back to his normal from. Out of exhaustion, he staggered forward and his knees met the ground. Pyrrha and Jaune helped Yuji up as he recovered.

Yuji:"Wh-What... Are you two doing in there?"

Jaune:"I don't know what happened, there was this machine that they put Pyrrha into, there was a girl inside one of them. Then there was this women with fire powers. One thing I know is that wasn't a Semblance. And Professor Ozpin is still down there!"

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