Chapter 8-Destiny

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Author:"Hellooooooo everyone I hope have a good day today out there, and welcome back to another chapter of Ruby Rose x (OC) Yuji Ishimura. And now let's get the reading strated!!"
Yuji and Iris decided to visit Yang and her team in their dorm, When they got just outside of Team RWBY dorm, they found two Atlesian-knights guarding the the room, Ironwood's voice being heard through the door.

Ironwood:"I'm sorry, but you left us no choice."

Yuji and Iris we're about to go in when the two droids stopped him where he is. Being incredibly annoyed at this, Yuji didn't say anything and instead he just froze them instantly on the spot, much to Iris's surprise, which he didn't mind. Yuji turned the doorknob to see Yang sitting on her bed, with Sara beside her. Ironwood was pacing around the room, with Alex standing right beside the window.

Yang:"But he attacked me!"

Ironwood:"Video footage and millions if viewers say otherwise."

Weiss:"But Yang would never do that!"


Iris walked her way towards Blake's side, with Yuji just stood, leaning bon the doorway as he started listening to the convention. Actually, after the incident at the tournament match, Alex was able to convince Ironwood to confine Yang to their dorm room. But something worse was awaiting for Sara. Ironwood sigh as he turns around, Yang sighs and places her head in her hands with Sara placing comforting hand on her shoulder.

Ironwood:"You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash at the way you did... Under normal circumstances."

Yuji:"Just get to the point, Ironwood."

While Ironwood didn't like the way he just spoke, he gave him a slightly stern look, which he returned to him. Alex continued what he was saying, hoping to draw Ironwood's attention away from Yuji.

Alex:"Listen, we believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline."

Ironwood:"When you're out on the battlefield, your judgement can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past..."

Yang:"But I wasn't--."

Ironwood:"That's ENOUGH!"

Ironwood sudden outburst silenced the whole room for a second, before he continued again in a more serene tone.

Ironwood:"The sad truth is, wether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student..."

Yuji:",*mummers"Innocent student my--."

Ironwood:"They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... You are disqualified."

Yang's shock turns into miserable when she looks at the ground. Ironwood the opened the door, he sighs when he sees the two guards completely frozen solid on the doorway.

Ironwood:"Mr. Ishimura... If you please?"

Yuji just roll his eyes in irritation, before he loudly snapped his fingers and the ice around the Androids began to dissipate.

Ironwood:"Thank you."

Ironwood then walked past him through the doorway, followed by the two knights. Yuji begin closing the door, and when the door clicks shut, Yang turns to all of them.

Yang:"You guys believe me, right?"


Iris:"Do you still have to ask?!"

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