Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Courtney :)

Chapter Four

The next day I had skipped school. My mom didn't like it at all if I skipped unless I was sick. So thats what I did. I was to scared to go to school to see him and her together at school. I wasn't ready to face the truth that there was nothing between him and me. Nothing. There was nothing, nothing at all. I hoped to much for him to at least like me. That has been proven wrong. I didn't bother getting out of bed to do anything. Everytime my phone would ring I would just leave it.

I never knew a boy could do this to you. I had stayed in bed all day. I can't believe what jealousy has done to me.I heard my phone beep for probably the fifth time today. I'm quessing whoever it is wants to talk to me,but right now I don't want to talk to anyone especially Travis. After laying in bed for hours, I started to get hungry finally. I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to get off my lazy butt and not lay around all day. I got up and just fixed me a simple warm meal. As the microwave heated the meal I heard my mom's footsteps clanging on the wooden floor.

"You feeling better sweetheart?" My mom's soft tone of voice talking.

"Alittle," I lied I was terribly sick of everything that was going on. Travis excepting that girl to ruin his life, after what she already damaged what was left of him. Soon there will be nothing left of him. I stopped what I was thinking. There came a knock on the front door. Who could be here at ten o'clock at night. I practically have stayed in bed all day.

"Got it mom," I said abandoning the food that was laying on the kitchen table. I came to the door,not thinking who could be on the opposite side of the door. I opened the door unaware of who it could be.

It was him.

"Hey, can we talk?" he asked acting like I cared about him. Which as long as he dated her I could care less about him.

"Sure," My voice sounding sarcastic.

"Come out here I got something to show you," He said reaching for my hand,but on instinct snatched it away from his. Which was left in midsentence were it was close to taking mine. No way was I holding the hand that touched Abbie's. Never.

I walked following slowly behind him. He lead me to the back

of my house, wow like this was all new. Then we rounded the last corner of my house. I almost flipped when I saw what was in my backyard.

I had forgotten today was even my birthday, which was more a surprise. It may have not seemed like much but it meant alot to me cause it made me think he remebered my birthday. Sitting in the back of my house was a portrait. A big one indeed. I was a big art fanatic and this really made me happy. It was a big pastel drawing of Travis and me last year at the fair together. The colors brought every little detail to life it was perfect! It showed off his perfect shade of brown in his eyes. It was so life like.

"Oh my gosh. Its beautiful!" I said wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Who drew this?" I asked my attitude had defintely changed since this morning.

"i did with a little help with Abbie," That name burned me as he mentioned her. What did she have to do with it?

"Abbie?" I asked hoping he had a good explination why she was involved with this.

"She wanted to help I know sometimes she can act like she hates you and she wants you to feel miserable,but she wanted to help me. Me and her have been working on this for weeks on end. I had to make you think we were dating cause I knew you wouldn't step within a one mile radius if she was over at my house. So we did that so we could work on the project,and just so you know I am still single," He said happy to get all that off his chest. My mood in three minutes was instantly boosted since it was happy to know they were not actually dating.

"And she also meant to say what she said to you in the hall so you would not mess with what we were doing, I hope you understand," He said looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh okay, and this is just sooo beautiful Travis I never knew you could draw or even liked to," I said jokingly.

"Your very welcome,and there is also one thing I forgot to give you," He said smiling brightly. He moved closer to me. He tilted his face so it was close to mine. Was he really going to kiss me. His face was only inches away from mine. Thoughts raced in my head,but soon were flooded by the emotions flooding in. His lips met mine. They felt brand new to my lips. Just one thing to know I had never ever kissed a boy till now. i relized for the first time this is the boy I want to love forever.

This was officially the best birthday ever in a long time..

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