"Love you, Delta. Bye."

"I love you, too. Bye." I said and took off. Ugh, why do I feel so heavy lately?

I ran into my mom on the way, "Hey, mom!"

"Delta! How are you?"

"Honestly? A little tired and hungry." Wait? Why am I tired and hungry? I literally just had a good sleep and a good meal. Oh well. "How are you?"

"Happy. Where are you off to?"

"Trying to tell dad that I've got a mate. Care to join me?"

"I've got nothing better to do. So why not?"

We walked the rest of the way. I saw dad first and shifted. I spoke up, "Dad!"

"He can't understand you, you're still a dragon, dear."

"No, I'm not. I shift... Let me try again." I tried to turn human, but this time I felt a wall stop me, "Mom. Mom! I can't shift! What's going on? I feel as if I'm hitting a wall!" I started panicking.

"Delta! You need to calm down for a second. We'll talk to your father later. Right now let's go find Lagoon, maybe she can help." I nodded. That was a good idea.

"No need to find me! I was taking my morning flight when I saw Delta panicking." She said and landed beside me. "So, what's the matter?"

"I can't shift. I feel as if I hit a wall when I try."

"Okay. Any other weird things happening?"

"Well, I have been extremely tired lately even after a good night's sleep and even after a huge meal I still feel as if I could eat an entire flock of sheep. Also, I feel heavy."

"You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?" Valka asked Lagoon. I saw Lagoon nod.

"What are you thinking?"

"You or me?"

"You. You've known her longer. And you are her birth mom."

"WHAT are you thinking?"

"We think you're with egg."

I looked at her and then everything went black.


"...waking up!"


My world slowly came into focus and I noticed that there were people and dragons than before. Oh, yeah... I'm with egg. My head started spinning again, but instead of fainting again it slowly stopped.

I looked at all the faces and I saw that Sky, Peace, Dreamchaser, and Rowan had shown up.

Suddenly, the calm that had enveloped me with the thought of being with egg broke.

"Oh, my gods! Why Freya? Why? Please Loki, please let this be a prank, a joke, a trick! Oh why Oden, why? Why me? I'm too young for this responsibility! I can't do it! I'll be horrible! I'll kill them by accident! Why did you have to do this to me Freya? Why? Why can't this be just a joke from Loki? W-w-h-h-h-y-y?"

"Okay. Am I the only one who's confused?" Rowan asked and I felt the new-comers shake their heads.

"Why is she crying, Mama?"

"I don't know, Dream. I don't know."

"She's with egg." I heard Lagoon say.

I could tell their reactions were immediate even if I couldn't see their faces.

Dream said, "What's that, Mama?"

Rowan said, "No. That's not possible."

"You're sure?" Sky and Peace asked together.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming, the footsteps of Magnar.

I turned around an instinct not to let him get any closer coming out of nowhere, "Delta! How nice to see you again! How are you?"

I leapt at him following the instinct to protect, "Mom, Rowan! Tell him to never come near me again. Tell him that I hate him. Tell him that I have a mate and that the next time he looks at me like he just did I'll rip his throat out."

I saw my dad run up to us and try to help Magnar up from under my claws, "Tell him to stop!" I reinforced the thought with a growl.

"Delta! What are you doing?"

"Teaching him a lesson! Tell him, Mom! Tell him everything! I can't stand this anymore!"

"Okay, Delta stop yelling things for me to tell people. So Magnar, you will never go near my daughter again and she says the next time you look at her like you always do she'll rip your throat out. Second, Stoick, dear, she wants you to stop. Now is not a good time for you to make her angry."

"And why is that?"

I looked at my Mom as she hesitated. I rolled my eyes. "Rowan, please just tell him, please." I was going to continue watching when I felt Magnar start to move again, "Stop, or I'll turn you into food for the fishes."

"Magnar stop moving unless you want to be fish food." He stilled immediately.

"Delta stop threatening your future husband!" Everyone except for Stoick stilled.

I cuffed Magnar on the head knocking him out, then slowly walked towards my father.

I growled at him.

"What? He's perfect in every way! He's perfect for you!" That just made me madder and I couldn't even express why.

"Dad! Stop! I mean it!"


"Why? Why? Because I already have a mate! That's why!" Everyone could feel the rage beating off of me except my father.

"Stoick, she has a mate!" My father stilled.


"It's Darkstar. They're mates and Delta is with egg so stop making her mad! Because females with young, eggs or who are with egg are extremely protective and violent and extremely easy to anger."

"Delta. Why didn't you just tell me?" My dad came up to me slowly while I calmed down.

"Because for the next two months she can't shift." Mom answered for me.

Dark Despair (Book 2: Together Forever)Where stories live. Discover now