Alone Together

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Thinking about doing a lemon or just a smut soon, recon i should?

So we were teaching Steven how to dance. FUN!.

Pearl snaps her fingers "  A 5-6-7-8!"

Steven and Ame try to dance in unison. Garnet walks over to where i was standing and wrapped her arms around me from behind in a sort of behind hug which i leant into as we continue to observe.

" Synchronize!" Pearl said while still snapping fingers

Ame tries to lift Steven, but she drops him and he falls. They both start laughing as i tried to cover up my own giggle.

Pearl sighed irritated " Be serious!"

Steven and Ame continue dancing while Pearl snaps her finger in rhythm. Ame successfully lifts Steven, but they both start laughing again. Pearl stops snapping and frowns in annoyance.

" Indy, if you may. " Pearl called me over and i pried myself out of Garnets grip and skipped my way over excited for once

" Pay attention now, Steven." Pearl said as i nodded and we smiled at one another before beginning

Pearl and I perform a ballroom dance, with me twirling and lifting Pearl around. I then pin Pearl against a wall, both of my hands on either side of Pearl's head, as Pearl slightly blushes and me giggling.

Pearl turns at Steven " See?" She does a beckoning gesture

Steven stares at Pearl wide-eyed for a second, but then looks determined " Hmm."

I let Pearl go and Garnet walked over pulling me against her and pressed her lips against mine in a sorta possessive kiss which i return none the less, Pearl coughed awkwardly and we parted with me blushing at her sudden approach.

Steven then tries to dance with Pearl and copy my moves. I helped him with some of the poses alongside Garnet, as he is too short. Pearl smiles hesitantly and looks at me and Garnet as the short Steven pins her against the wall.

Steven and Ame dance together next, doing a dance similar to the 'Macarena'. Steven follows pretty well but is not as limber and flexible as Ame was.

(PLAY VIDEO, 10:00 - 20:00)

Steven then tries to copy my dance style, he tired to keep up but i was going a tad too fast for him, my moves were more or less unpredictable.

Steven tries dancing with Garnet next, copying her dance, but cannot keep up with the speed of her hand movements.

Steven then tries a ballet duet with Pearl. Pearl accidentally hits him in the face with her leg since he is too short, causing him to fall on the ground, and looks at him apologetically.

I rushed over and checked him over for any sort of injury and found none so i took a deep breath and helped him to his feet

We all then try to dance in unison with Steven. We snap our fingers in rhythm, Steven is a bit off beat. We then each put one foot forward;,Steven puts forward his hand. We run in unison and exit stage right, Steven runs in the wrong way, quickly turns around and tries to catch up with us. We slide, leap up, and pose in midair together, Steven tries to jump and pose as well, but quickly falls to the ground.

We walk towards the kitchen to take a break, i gripped Garnet's hand in mine and leant back against her.

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