I Really Am A Weird Diamond

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I yawned and sat up rubbing my eyes before standing up and stretching i scratched my cheek and left my room after making sure i had formed back into the lazuli i had grown accustomed to, i had fallen asleep in my original form by accident and just decided not to fret over it.

I walk out to see that Garnet sat on a bar stool in the kitchen drinking what i assumed was coffee and Steven still in bed.

"morning sugar mama..." i yawned out and sat beside her all while cracking my neck and knuckles i smirked at the light blush on her cheeks but didnt do anything to approach it, I layed my head on my arms still tired.

"it is early still, you should go back and get more sleep?" the fusion mumbled out

" no thank you, but i appreciate the concern you subtly showed right now...I have a few things to do today so i  might aswell just stay up now" i murmured out

"really now? what things?"

"just 'things' Garny...nothing to get all curious over"

"but now i cant help but be curious over this." okay. she got me there.

"hehe okay fine, i'm just heading out of the city for like a few hours the whole day if i decide to take my time..." i said giving nothing only that away

"where is this mysterious location?"

" a wondrous land, full of cupcakes and jam and ice cream~" i giggled out, she only sighed and shrugged it off

"thats my cue to leave..." i stood up and heading to the front door.

"oh! Garnet! i almost forgot!"


Garnet shrugged her stutter off an continued to drink her coffee, Indy sighed and composed her blushing self.

"I...I just wanted to let you know that how much I appreciate having you in my life.... For helping me through the bad times and being there to help me celebrate the good times, I cherish all of the moments that we share together. There aren't enough words in the dictionary for me to tell you how glad I am to have you in my life, i looked too hehehe!~  I am so lucky to have you by my side. Everything you do for me never goes unnoticed. I don't know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I am eternally grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side. Thank you for being my 'Friend' Garnet"

And with that Indy left, Garnet sat there beyond flustered that she dropped her cup on the ground as she covered her mouth smiling widely, Steven layed with his stomach facing the covers as his legs swung up and down while he held in his giggles. " You like mom Garnet!? It's obvious!!!!" he yelled out while cheering, Garnet covered her face now.

Steven sat beside her grinning.
"how though?" Garnet asked conflicted

"how though what?"

"how do i have feelings for Indy when i already am a Relationship?"
"well...you love her and thats what really matters Garnet, Love comes in different sizes so i guess this love you have now was meant to be times three!" Garnet smiled at Steven

"when are you gonna tell her?" he asked excitedly

" when i feel like its the right time"

" does this mean i get to have three moms?!"

Garnet just laughed at him and he hugged her, he went back to sleep yawning leaving Garnet to think.

Indy sat on the cliff edge she was on a mountain side just enjoying the veiw and getting out for awhile "i wonder what getting kissed would be like?...i mean,to kiss Pearl?... Pearl's kisses would most likely be short, chaste, and shy. If i were to date her -by some miracle- i guess in the beginning of our relationship, they end so quickly i woudnt even be sure if i was just kissed or not. I bet my eye would definitely get caught in the line of fire and take a sharp nose to it, much to Pearl's embarrassment hahaha. She's not even now very used to physical contact and gestures, so everything in our relationship is a learning experience for her and me take everything slow. She's not big into PDA sadly, so i wouldnt expect to be swept off of my feet in front of all of Beach City. As our relationship progresses, however, im sure she'll become more bold and sneak a kiss or two behind a building or when she feels no one is looking she seems like that type of gem. I'll have to take the lead in our relationship most of the time to initiate a kiss, but im sure if i give her the right amount of time to learn and become more comfortable with romantic contact, her kisses will become longer, skilled, more passionate, leaving ME wondering where the shy gem i was dating just went...." i take in a deep breath and laugh

"i just rambled about dating and kissing Pearl!? hahahaha...ha...okay well uh now...Everything about Amethyst is fun and exciting, even kissing her would be i bet. Her kisses would be like silly and usually over the top. She might love to show off how much she loves me...and will French Dip or tackle me before kissing me, especially in public. Kissing her would always be messy and spontaneous, and i can imagine that she's not above transforming her face into something completely different while my eyes are closed before kissing me hahaha...she seems like the person to kiss me in front of anyone and everyone, but when it comes to serious moments between us two, she takes a complete 180. In those moments i can imagine that her kisses are passionate yet unsure, and if anyone witnesses them she'll become extremely flustered and embarrassed which i wouldnt miss to see for the world. hmm our silly and serious moments are both equally passionate, but when we are alone Amethyst is very open and vulnerable....im actually talking about this?"

I stretched and layed back while never taking my eyes off of the sky line before smiling shyly and closing my eyes.

"last but definitely not least...Garnet...Garnet's kisses i bet would always leave me breathless and begging for more...Her favorite way to kiss would be when we are alone with little chance of getting caught...that sounds about right? she'll might even get me in a kabe-don position and give me...a long, deep kiss, that shows just how much she loves me...Unlike the other gems, getting caught doesn't embarrass or bother her, and she'll usually shrug it off and move on...hahaha, If it embarrasses me, however, she'll pick my frame up and run off or something else equally embarrassing and eye catching hahahaha, to somewhere more private to make me feel better and we'll hopefully continue. She wouldnt kiss me in public often, as she likes keep certain things private, but as time goes on i hope our relationship will become more open. As our lovely relationship progresses i better prepare myself to be picked up and spun around and to have my...face attacked by a barrage of kisses, especially when Garnet is in a good mood~ hahaha..."

i laughed and laughed until realising that my laughs had turnt into sad sobs, tears had sprung to my eyes and slid down my cheeks rapidly " w-who am i kidding?...shes the embodiment of a strong healthy relationship already..."

I hugged myself as i layed there in my doubt and tears.

" i would just be the third wheel..."

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