Escape & Search

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My head was pounding as i struggled to sit up, i rubbed my eyes a few times before taking a long look around only to see i was in my room as i stumbled to get up i made my way quickly running to the ball room i had in the center of my 'turf'.

I flung the doors open, my eyes widened, tears slipped down my cheeks, i fell to my knees and bit my lip, shards. family...SHE SHATTERED THEM!?!?!

I had to cover my mouth as to not make my sobs heard i...why would she do this? i-i...shes a monster that's what she is! what would she gain from doing this?

I clutched my head as the tears kept falling i couldn't stop them no matter what i tried i gave up, i give up! she wins...

I let my eyes glance over at the enormous amount of gem shards scattered about the floor...Lavender, Sweetie, The two amethyst, Emmie, Jasp, Painie, Mari, Pesty...everyone!? everyone is gone thanks to her...thanks to ME.

" I-I have to get out of here..." i managed to get out and stood up giving the room one more glance before running off to the docking bay until i realized something.

"they wont just let me go unsupervised? maybe if i was...someone entirely new." I shape shifted into a Lapis lazuli making sure that the diamonds on my suit were White as to not seem out of place. ( thats Indy!)

 i walk out onto the docking bay as a Peridot approaches me

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i walk out onto the docking bay as a Peridot approaches me.

"state your business, lazuli" she said snootily, i hold in a remark and smile slightly.

" I was Requested by White Diamond herself to be sent to Uranus...(hahaha!!!~~) To see if any of Indigo's Colonies were still occupied and to eliminate then if i had come across any, if you don't mind removing your green hind i will be on my way." I said while glaring at her, she seemed to tense under my gaze and only nodded in response.

I got onto a random roaming eye and got ready for a long drive and search for an escape.

I wipe my eyes free from tears as continue my search trying not to let my own thoughts cloud my mind, i heard they're screams...i couldn't do anything!? if i had only done something different, if i didn't hold that DAMN ball they all would've been alive still. Its not White's fault its only mine.

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