This was the 2nd Valentine’s day they’ve experienced. The 1st was on 2/14, the day Qi Feng drove to Ling Ke’s house during winter break. They only went to a coffee shop and ordered 2 drinks with a small cake, a very simple celebration.

This time, they weren’t short on time, and Qi Feng began to excitedly prepare in advance.

Seeing the other treat this so seriously, Ling Ke also thought long and hard on what to give.

After class ended on 5/20, they went to their “lovers nest”. Qi Feng already came over earlier to decorate the place, and that night, he personally went and cooked an entire table of dishes for Ling Ke.

Due to lack of practice, the food looked very normal, but Ling Ke was more than incredibly moved that such a “young master” would cook for him.

After eating, Qi Feng handed over flowers and his gift, a pair of custom-ordered lovers earrings. He hugged and kissed his beloved, said all sorts of sappy things, then went to take a bath together. He even gave the other a massage…

This was really a full course celebration!

It wasn’t until they got into bed that Qi Feng realize Ling Ke had been passive the whole night. Somewhat downhearted, he awkwardly asked, “It is Valentine’s Day, so don’t you have anything to give me?”

Ling Ke didn’t say a word as he lifted his hand to undo the buttons on his shirt.

Qi Feng originally thought that Ling Ke was going to use making love as his gift and felt a bit disappointed. But thinking of how even after they got together, the other was still very reserved and rarely asked for pleasure, he felt that as long as Ling Ke was happy, then he’d be happy.

However, as Ling Ke took off his shirt, Qi Feng discovered that below the other’s collarbones was a patch of maple leaves, and in the middle was a single word: Feng. (In case you guys forgot, Qi Feng’s ‘Feng’ means maple.)

“You……got a tattoo?” Qi Feng asked, shocked.

“Yes.” Ling Ke’s eyes flickered, as if embarrassed.

Having his lover’s name tattooed over his heart— This was probably the most “nonconformist” thing he’ll ever do in his entire life.

Qi Feng reached out to caress it, his voice trembling: “When did you get this? Does it hurt?”

Ling Ke looked down: “Last week. It doesn’t hurt, the scab already fell off……”

His tone was very calm, as if talking about an inconsequential topic, but the more he was like this, the more deadly a blow it was to Qi Feng.

Qi Feng hugged Ling Ke, his heart overflowing with love: “KeKe, let’s stay together forever, for the rest of our lives!”

Ling Ke froze, then laughed: “Don’t promise something so far away. As long as we’re happy in the present……”

Qi Feng let him go and grabbed his shoulders: “Are you an idiot? You tattooed my name on your chest and you actually want to run off with someone else?”

Ling Ke: “I don’t……”

Qi Feng: “Then what did you mean by ‘as long as we’re happy in the present’? You’re only searching for a fleeting thrill?”

Ling Ke felt speechless. He lifted his hand and rubbed the other’s head: “You’ve misunderstood me. I simply don’t want this tattoo to make you feel burdened… If we’re happy, then we’ll always stay together, but if we stop being happy one day—”

STOP!” Qi Feng interrupted. “I’ll never let you become unhappy!”

Ling Ke smiled, no longer arguing over this.

Things like “together forever” was only something a child would say, so no wonder Qi Yu said his brother was childish. But obtaining such a child-like devotion, how could it not be a blessing? Hopefully, their relationship will continue as Qi Feng promised, and last forever.

The two of them spent the night drowning in love, and even tried out a new position.

The next morning before 9:00, someone knocked on the door. Qi Feng, who was still in bed, grumbled: “Who in the world……”

Other than his family, no one else knew this house’s address. It couldn’t be that his mom came for a room inspection?

Qi Feng lazily got up to open the door and saw a delivery boy.

“May I ask if Mr. Ling Ke lives here?”

“Oh, yes, what is it?”

“I have an overseas package with instructions to deliver to this address first thing in the morning, and need Mr. Ling Ke to sign.”

Qi Feng accepted the package. Back inside, Ling Ke still couldn’t open his eyes from all that he endured last night, and mumbled carelessly when asked about the package, “You open it.”

After Qi Feng opened it, his entire face darkened.

“KeKe! Why did my bro send you chocolates! How did he know we’d be here today!!”

“Ah?” Shocked awake, Ling Ke asked, “What? I don’t know……”

Actually, there was also a card on the chocolates that said: “Wishing my dumb little brother and his wife a happy Valentine’s Day”. It was a very ordinary gift, but overwhelmed by jealousy, Qi Feng had already lost all reason.

“You, what are you doing……” Before he could react, Ling Ke was already pressed flat on his back and had a picture of his chest taken.

“Sending this to my bro. AHHH, I’m so mad, what in the world is he planning!” After sending this while swearing his head off, a certain hissing kitten turned around and pushed Ling Ke down again.

Ling Ke was kissed until he felt dizzy. For some reason, he seemed to suddenly understand why Qi Yu would do such things. Perhaps Qi Yu wanted Qi Feng to always feel a sense of danger, so as to better treasure him? Or maybe, the other wanted him to offer more comfort to the love-starved Qi Feng?

He inwardly chuckled, then wrapped his arms around Qi Feng’s neck.

In a daze, he returned the other’s kiss.

The spring sunshine shone through the curtains, scattering across the bed.

Ling Ke’s daily life of being the Campus Idol’s fake boyfriend was over, but his honey-sweet college life had just begun.

[Main Story End]