Chapter 45

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Qi Feng wore a white hoodie with chains, black pencil pants, and matching sneakers with a studded belt hanging low on his hips. His hair had been specifically treated and shone under the lights, and he looked both fashionable and stylish.

This was a vastly different look compared to the formal wear he donned for their piano duet, and it was also many times more flashy than how Qi Feng usually dressed. This was the 1st time pretty much anyone saw him wear such clothes, so it’s no wonder the reactions were so intense.

Ling Ke didn’t know what song the other planned to sing, but he wasn’t worried. Qi Feng could sing a lot of songs really well, so even if the other was forced to improvise, there wouldn’t be any problems.

But when the music started and a repetitive string of yo’s sounded, even Ling Ke blinked in surprised.

What…song was this?

Qi Feng soon began to sing: “If you suddenly sneeze, that means I was thinking about you~! If you’re woken up by your phone at night, ah~ That’s because I care about you!”

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium exploded! As if under a spell, the audience, especially the ones who were already standing, all started to move with the beat and clap along!

“…I often wonder if the words you say have a hidden meaning, and even though I want to believe, I can’t help but suspect…” With one hand holding the mic and the other clutching his heart, Qi Feng smiled as he swayed his head: “In your heart, am I #1? Love~~ is why I keep pestering you~~!”

Ling Ke stared at the stage, at Qi Feng singing and dancing about, dumbstruck. He had thought that the other would choose a sentimental love song, since after all, no one could resist when he sung in that incredibly loving and adoring way.

But never in a million years did he think that Qi Feng would choose such a…maiden-in-love-esque, upbeat love song!

Ling Ke had never heard Qi Feng sing this song before, but it didn’t sound bad at all. On the contrary, it made Qi Feng seem even more passionate, even more lively, even more charming……

“…So~ baby~ tell me more words of love, look for me more when you miss me…” Reaching this part, Qi Feng even winked towards the crowd.

Shrieks and squeals came from below in response to this electrifying gesture. Ling Ke also felt like he was struck by lighting, numb from head to toe.

Unable to look elsewhere, he stared at that shining, radiating figure on stage, his heart madly beating inside his chest……

“…Oh~ bye~ In short, I want to accompany you for more than a day, please let me love you with all my heart~~ a bit more!”

During the chorus of the song, Qi Feng repeated “Tell me more words of love” while pointing all across the audience, stimulating the entire hall.


At this point, this singing competition had turned into Qi Feng’s solo concert.


By the time the song ended, everyone was still immersed in the lively atmosphere Qi Feng created, unable to shake off their excitement.