Chapter 52

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However, Chu ShuangShuang still knit her brows. Since Qi Feng and Ling Ke officially got together on Christmas Eve, given Qi Feng’s personality, he should have posted something about it. However, he only made that one vague post. It couldn’t be that the “self-blame” he spoke of really was due to being forced out of the closet by Xu JunZhu? Looking at them, they didn’t seem like they’re trying to hide their relationship though.

She felt it was a bit odd, but her earlier action of bringing up her doubts caused the atmosphere to turn this awkward, so of course she wouldn’t repeat that mistake.

Therefore, she changed tactics and asked, “Qi Feng, how did you fall in love with Ling Ke? Even overseas, coming out as homosexual isn’t an easy thing. You two sure are open-minded.”

Looks like she’s trying to get info about their relationship history.

Qi Feng smiled: “If I said I fell in love with Ling Ke at first sight, would you believe me?”

Ling Ke: “……”

Chu ShuangShuang was at a loss for words.

Love at first sight…… How could she not believe? Towards Qi Feng, she also fell in love at first sight. In their 1st year of middle school, during their 1st meeting, Qi Feng completely captured her heart. But she was more reserved than Xu JunZhu, had her own pride, and she only obtain the chance to get closer to Qi Feng after working really hard. It’s just a pity he wasn’t interested in her……

Feelings couldn’t be forced. Chu ShuangShuang also had self-respect, so even if reality made her sad, this world was full of such disappointments, and she had learned to let go.

Since then, she had always wondered just what kind of person could move Qi Feng’s heart.

Looking at the decent looking but completely expressionless young man before her, she grew ever more curious. She really didn’t know what part of Ling Ke attracted Qi Feng.

Chu ShuangShuang smiled: “What aspect made you fall in love at first sight?”

Qi Feng: “He’s my type, and there isn’t any specific reason. When I first saw him, I felt a familiar feeling, like we had met before.”

Ling Ke froze, looking at Qi Feng in disbelief. He wasn’t sure if the other was telling the truth, but when he heard those words, his entire heart skipped a bit.

…He still remembered, he didn’t forget!

Qi Feng also looked at Ling Ke, and as their eyes met, a rarely seen bashfulness flashed across his eyes.

A gush of warm burst forth, overflowing Ling Ke’s chest, and most of the pain and vexation of having been forgotten twice seemed to wash away.

Even if Qi Feng was only acting, saying sweet, honeyed lies, but he had to admit that right now, he felt ecstatic.

Chu ShuangShuang muttered, “I remember you posting in September that you were ‘done for’… …Was that referring to falling in love?”

Qi Feng’s eyes sparkled: “Yep, you actually noticed!”

Ling Ke: “……”