Chapter 37

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As students, they didn’t have a lot of holidays so they could only travel during the weekend. After a discussion, the group decided to go to an old hamlet near the city. That hamlet was a famous scenic spot and the optimal destination for poor, traveling college students.

In order to conduct better interviews and e
xperience budget traveling, they decided to limit each person’s expenses to less than ¥80 a day (¥160 total for 2 days) which included traveling expenses, boarding, and all other expenditures.

To a child that grew up in a big city, this amount of money was only just enough to go out and eat a meal, especially to a “rich young master” like Qi Feng. Hearing this condition, he was at a loss: “Is ¥160 even enough to cover staying a single night in a hotel?”

A girl called Yao Jing said, “Lady-killer Qi, what are you talking about? We’re going to experience ‘budget traveling’, and you’re planning to stay in a hotel? You might as declare ‘let them eat cake’ while you’re at it.”

Hearing this, everyone chuckled. Zhang WenQin took out a few printouts and comforted Qi Feng: “This budget was decided after much research. According to the internet, around 50% of backpackers only spend around ¥100 a day… Moreover, as per to my investigations, the hamlet isn’t located very far. If we choose the cheapest way to travel, using the subway and public transport, going there and back wouldn’t cost more than ¥50. Therefore, ¥160 for 2 days should be more than enough.”

As expected of the class secretary. After hearing these numbers, Qi Feng was convinced.

However, this was supposed to be a group project, but Qi Feng and Ling Ke discovered that the 4 girls had already done most of the preparation work behind their backs. It seems that the only thing for them to do was to accept the arrangements after the fact.

Thus, during their last group meeting, Ling Ke couldn’t resist and asked, “Are there any tasks that we can do?”

The four girls looked at each other and only now realized that Qi Feng and Ling Ke hadn’t contributed at all.

Perhaps due to their excitement in being in the same group as two idols, the girls completely forgot that other than their faces, these guys were also very talented. One of them was even the Freshman Representative with the best grades in their year…… To neglect their capabilities was really a waste.

“For now, there’s nothing……” Yao Jing hesitated, and then joked, “How about, you guys can be our group’s pretty mascots?”

The girls all laughed while Qi Feng and Ling Ke wanted to face-palm.

“Don’t be like that. How can the Ling Ke and I endure such an arrangement?” Although doing nothing was quite easy and comfortable, but as a member of this group, especially when the other group members were girls, Qi Feng could not bear this relying solely on others’ hard work.

Ling Ke shared this sentiment. “Since this is a group project, then every person should contribute.”

In the end, Zhang WenQin said, “Sorry, the four of us live together and are already used to cooperating and forgot about you guys… We’ve already finished the initial preparations, and the following interviewing, taking photos, surveying, and note-taking tasks were originally assigned to Yao Jing, Dai YiWei, myself, and Cen Tong. How about, Qi Feng can join Yao Jing in interviewing, and as for Ling Ke… I heard that you’re part of the Campus Web’s editing department and probably have more experience than us in this area, or so why don’t you be in charge of writing our final interview manuscript?”