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Sophie POV
I wake up still feeling a little tired since I didn't sleep much last night. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened and everything that might happen. I get up and go downstairs seeing Mr. Forkle and other members of the Black Swan. Also Biana Dex Fitz Marbella Tam Linh and Wylie are there.

"Good morning Miss Foster," Forkle says greeting me causing the other eyes to land on me too.

"Good morning."

I look everywhere except at their faces. I am afraid to admit I'm embarrassed. I've locked most of these people out of my life for two years and now they come back still wanting to help me.

"We were just going over what happened yesterday," he continues and I nod.

I take a seat next to Edaline and Grady since they smiled warmly at me. As Forkle continues, I start to fidget. So many things can go wrong. Forkle already made a plan I assumed from the part of the conversation I actually listened to. But, what if it doesn't work? What if we don't save him.


"Hmm," I say looking up from my hands.

"Did you hear what I said?" Forkle says.

I shake my head embarrassed.

"Okay well, you are going to go alone since Keefe won't respond to anyone else. You're the only one that got him out of the trance. And we assume that you are the closest to him. You are going to stay at this apartment," he says handing me a card with the apartment information.

"Wait how long is this going to take?" I say confused.

"Well we are hoping only s couple days," Forkle says.

"Days?! Yesterday we almost got him and that was in a couple of hours," I say impatient.

"They changed his location. I checked again today and he wasn't there. So we are going to try and find him while you are undercover there," Forkle explains.

I nod in sadness. What if we don't find him?

"We got you human clothing and basic necessities fr when you're there," Edaline says handing me a backpack filled with stuff.

"Thank you," I smile warmly at her and hug both of my parents.

"Sophie we just wanted you to know that we are here for you," Biana says softly.

I nod at her. "I'm sorry for separating myself guys," I tell my friends still not making eye contact with Fitz.

"It's alright we just wanted you to know you have us," Dex says.

The rest of them nod except for Fitz.

"I don't know why you came here," I tell Fitz.

"But I want you to know that I forgive you," I tell him.

"I don't need your forgiveness," He scowls at me.

"I know. I'm not doing it for you. It's helping me have peace. But you can leave no one invited you," I tell him smiling.

He rolls his eyes. I look away at everyone else with determination.

"Let's go get Keefe," I tell them.

"Okay Sophie, I guess this is where I say goodbye," Mr. Forkle says in the hotel room.

"Thank you," I tell him.

"Why?" He says confused.

"For finding him. I lost hope that I would never see him again. But you fixed that, so thank you," I tell him.

"It is my pleasure Miss Foster," he tells me.

I quickly wipe away the fallen tear.

"If you need help or anything u have ur imparter. I will update you on anything new that we find," he tells me and I nod.

"I guess this is it," I tell him.

"We will get him," he says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nod. "We have to."

I get out of the shower and changed in my pajamas and lay down on the bed. I decide to try and transmit to Keefe.

Keefe! Keefe are you there?

I keep repeating the call. He doesn't answer. However after exhausting myself I hear a faint voice.

Keefe! Are you okay?
I'm here with you Keefe. You can rest. I will never leave you

And then his mind goes blank. I feel a new fresh set of tears fall down my face. Why am I so weak? I need to be strong. For Keefe. I wipe away the tears forcing myself to think positively. We are going to get him back. And I won't leave without him.

(The next couple of days)
So far there is no news of finding Keefe. Forkle and I checked back at the place where we saw him last and checked every room but he was not there. Forkle left and told me to keep an eye on anything mysterious or out of the ordinary just in case Keefe would be there but I haven't found anything. I get out of my apartment walking towards a grocery store since I need food. The food here is bland compared to the Lost Cities but I've been living off it for they last couple days. I wLk into the grocery store first heading into the cookies section. I've been getting E.L. Fudges ever since I came here because it reminds me of Keefe. I get about to grab some of those when I feel someone's presence behind me.

"Excuse me," the voice says and my eyes go wide.

I turn to look at the face and see Keefe.

"Keefe?" I say.

"Yes..? Do I know you?" He says kind of creeped out.

"It's me, Sophie. Foster?" I say trying to remind him.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you," he says.

I feel my insides turning with heartbreak? But I keep my outside strong.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess we haven't formally met," I force a smile on my face.

"I'm Sophie Foster," I hold out a hand.

"I guess you already know me, but I'm Keefe Sencen," He shakes my hand.

"You kinda cute though," he smirks when I blush.

"Thank you," I say getting the old flutters back.

"Can I get your number?" He asks.

"Sure," I say pulling out the phone Forkle gave me for when I might need it here.

I give him my number and he puts his phone away.

"Anyways I had to get these cookies," he says pulling out two packs of E.L. Fudges.

"Oh yeah same," I say smiling sadly.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yup I'm fine," I put in a fake smile.

He nods not believing me but just agrees anyways.

"Well I got to go but if you ever wanna hang out again..." he says holding out his phone.

"I'm a call away," I finish his sentence.

He does his smirk/ smile and messes with his hair a bit.

"Bye Foster," He says turning around.

I choke on my words a bit but I say bye back after he has left. Once I know he's gone for sure I let the tears out. What happened to him? Why can't he remember me? I need to get back to the apartment and tell Forkle. I quickly get my groceries and pay for them. I get out of the store and hurriedly walk back. When I get there, I see Keefe parking in one of the spots and walking into one of the apartments. He lives near me too? I get into my room and quickly hail Forkle.

"Hello Miss Foster," He says calming.

"I saw Keefe," I say quickly.

The line goes silent until Forkle speaks.

"I'll be there soon."

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