* Part 1 *

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[A/N: if you really want to get into the feels (like I do) I suggest listening to the saddest song you know. While re-reading this I had Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran playing. I can't remember what song I listened to while writing this and that makes me really sad. Enjoy]

The room was fairly average in size, not too big not too small. The walls were painted a beautiful dark blue, the carpet a beautiful shade of white. A large glass window took up one entire wall facing the bright city lights. The room lit up gorgeously, in all the right places. Every night, expect for tonight.

A king sized bed filled the room, decorated with grey sheets and white pillows. A flat screen tv was placed across the room from the bed. It sat on a dark oak dresser that gave off a sense of cleanliness. A small white side table was placed next to the bed, a grey lamp sitting on top of it. There was a body length mirror near the door. It has been replaced more times than it should've been. It was the definition of aesthetic.

There was a large closet next to the tv. It was filled to the brim with an assortment of different clothes. Different colors, different brands, different meanings.

The closet told a story, one that no one from the outside world knew. It was a closet full of secrets. Not just because it hid the secrets of those who wore them, but because it was at one point someones safe place.

A safe place, that was no longer so. For it had been stripped of that right when said safe place was revealed. It had been once a place that someone could go to, to get away. To hide away from the torture and fear of reality. It was an odd hiding spot, but at the time it was the only option.

On the other side of the room, there was another door. This particular door led to a just as aesthetically pleasing bathroom. Though it had been used for many other things, other than going to the bathroom.

Unfortunately for this apartment, it was not on the happy sides of the spectrum. The incredible marble tiles have been deeply hand scrubbed too many times with bleach. The marble shower walls still slightly stained from painful past experiences.

The hand carved sink countertop was oddly empty. It was almost as if no one even lived there. Which was a complete and total lie. Especially if you took a look in the closet.

Anyone would be lucky to live in a magnificent apartment like this. It was all around aesthetically pleasing, up to date, and expensive. But, this apartment had a lot to hide. No one knew what really went down when the doors were closed, the curtains drawn, and the hosts of the house alone.

It was never a pretty sight when the two attendants were alone with each other. Things tended to get a little out of control. Today, was no exception.

A whimper fell from the boy's dry lips as he laid on the white carpeted floor in a pile of his own blood. His dark hair was drenched in blood, sweat, and tears and probably semen.

His once beautiful eyes were now halfway shut and lifeless. He struggled to keep his eyes open as they swelled, taunting his skin. His face was turning an assortment of different colors. They blended sickeningly well together like a lake in the spring. It was a horrifying beautiful masterpiece. One that would draw in many curious eyes, but for all the wrong reasons.

The pain was unimaginable to others, because from the sight of him, you'd be surprised he was even alive. The boy tried to ignore the way his entire body throbbed in pain, but instead focused on the pain in his heart. The pain in his mind. It was the pain far more intense for it tugged at the boy's heart strings.

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