I almost gave up, as they were just finishing up the song. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to be, once again, met with those electric blue eyes.

“Need a boost?” He asked, pointing at his shoulder. I smiled gratefully, carefully sitting on his shoulders as he stood up. Woah; I could see everything now! I fist pumped and rock-signed to the rest of the song, before it ended and Vic and Kellin talked for a bit.

“Daddy!” I screamed, taking advantage of the quiet crowd. Kellin and Vic looked up and laughed.

“Hey baby girl.” Vic said, pointing to me. I contained my squeals, almost crying at the fact he noticed me.

“Baby what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at home in a sexy maid outfit.” Kellin grinned as he spoke into the microphone, and I giggled.

“Aye! She’s taken mate.” The tall guy who’s shoulders I were currently sitting on shouted, the crowd staring at us making me self-conscious. I put my hand over the guy’s mouth, his lip ring sending a cool touch in my hand.

“No I’m not! Take me home!” I joked.

“You know what babe, hang around after Warped is over and I’ll come find you.” Vic winked, heat rising to my cheeks.

The guy pulled my hand from his face, continuing to hold it.

“No! We’re leaving!” He started to walk out of the mosh pit, the people making a path.

“Bye baby girl.” Vic said, and I turned around and threw up a rock-sign.

The guy put me down once we were in front of the Hydration Station. “Excuse me mister tall guy with blue eyes, I was flirting with Vic Fuentes why did you take that away from me.” I tried to be serious, crossing my arms. But I couldn’t help but be distracted by his face. Not going to lie, he was fucking hot.

“Well excuse me, miss short girl with (e/c) eyes; I saw you first so it’s not fair to me if he gets you.” His deep voice soothed me, his words bringing a smile to my lips.

“That sounded very cliché.”

“I like to be cliché.” He smirked, grabbing my hand and pressing his lips to the top. It made my heart flutter; and I didn’t even know his name.

“You can win my heart with band merch.” I blurted out, butterflies arising in my stomach.

“Then I will buy you band merch.” He smiled. “Right after I go see The Neighbourhood.”

“No way! I love The Neighbourhood too!” At least we had something in common. He held out his elbow.

“Shall we go? Short girl with (e/c) eyes?” I linked my arm.

“It’s (y/n). And yes we shall, tall guy with blue eyes.” I answered. He laughed.

“It’s Andy.” Andy then leaned down to my ear.

“Or you can call me daddy, either one is fine.” He whispered.

We got a good view of The Neighbourhood as they played Afraid. Andy and I sung along loudly, emphasising the swear words. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, reading a message from Samantha.

‘sorry!! FOB had a meet and greet and I had to attend! They were so hot wtf jfc anyway im watching ATL atm wbu?’

‘I saw PTV before, so much happened ill tell you in person! Also you know that hottie tall guy with the blue eyes? Yeh well we’re kinda hanging out watching the nbhd, txt me later xx be safe’

“You think I’m hot?” I jumped, Andy’s face close to mine.

“What? No. You’re a gazelle.” I said with a straight face, soon returning to the music. Andy laughed and shook his head, catching up with the lyrics too.

Afterwards, Andy and I walked to the merch stands and he purchased me a Blink-182 shirt that I wanted.

“Thank you so much.” I said, my words meaningful as I stood on my tippy toes to peck him on the cheek.  He smiled and looked down, biting his lip. Jesus Christ, he’s adorable.

“Do you want to go see Blink before I have to go?” He asked. I nodded, disappointed that he had to leave early.

As we were walking, I saw two men who were awfully familiar. “Speaking of Blink, is that Tom and Mark?” I held back Andy and pointed. His eyebrows arched in surprise.

“Let’s go say hi.” He smiled widely, and it took every ounce of self-control to not call him cute.

I followed after him, a little hesitant just in case we were to bother them.

Fortunately, they seemed content about taking photos with us and signing my shoes. I thanked Mark and Tom for their time, but Andy asked them one more question. He whispered it so I couldn’t hear, and both of them nodded in agreement before saying goodbye.

“What did you ask them?”

Andy only grinned at me. “You’ll see.”

We arrive at the stage where Blink 182 was performing, and I savoured the moment with Andy as much as I could, enjoying his company more than I thought. I was happy that I met him, and it almost seemed perfect that I met him at Warped Tour.

“Alright, so the last song of the night is gonna be The Rock Show.” Tom said, earning cheers from the crowd.

“And this is dedicated to (y/n), from Andy.” I gasped slightly and looked at the tall man next to me in awe. He smiled sheepishly.

We rocked out and sung along, trying not to get moshed by other people.

Just as the song was finishing on the last chorus, I turned to Andy, grabbing the collar of his leather vest and pulling him down to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up. I heard complaints from a few people, but I couldn’t care less.

I pulled away, grinning like an idiot and resting my forehead on his. The moment felt perfect.

“I fell in love with a girl at the rock show.” Andy said, his electric blue eyes taking my breath away. 


this is goals tbh

and idk if im accurate with all the bands that play at warped so im sorry

Andy Biersack Imagines {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now