Level 1

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Last few days on campus should have been winding down, packing, and finishing the last final of the week. Alas, you were not blessed with those final preparations. Instead, here you were, bouncing your heel on the tiled floor of the student help center in the IRT building. After you had just finished the last line of your typed final, your trusty laptop decided to give you a little shock and take on a green pixelated screen. Each time you so much as touched the keyboard or screen, you felt the shock. This resulted in frustrated yelling, your roommate trying to calm you down, and the final slamming of the screen and tucking in between  your arm.

"(Last Name)?" A young student around your age calls you, and you look up to smile. She leads you to a desk, and asks about the problems plaguing your electronic life.

"So, I'm finishing up my paper for my teacher, but when I type the final punctuation, I feel a shock like you'd get from like, touching an outlet when you have lots of friction off your body ya know? Then, I watch as my laptop screen literally washes over with a green pixelated look then it goes black. I tried turning it back on and restarting or something, but every time I so much as touch the screen or keyboard, I get shocked. It's not an emergency because I did manage to hand in my paper through my phone, but I don't want to have to wait a month or so from home." You sigh, fanning your face from the vent.

The student smiles, and chuckles from seeing your frustration. "I'll admit that has to be the weirdest hardware and software malfunction I've heard. How old's the laptop?" She flips open the demonic device.

"I got it last December around the holidays." You watch her investigate the laptop's condition.

"Alright, so that's fairly new. It looks like you've been taking good care of it from the outside. I'll just take a look at if maybe you didn't use the university's safe pass virus protection system correctly. Sometimes, kids like us think we do it right by just rushing before that first week of school, but it's easy to screw up if you don't save it to the laptop's system first." She pressed the power button, and watch her press on the F keys. Odd, she didn't get shocked? She pulls up the control panel and checks your disk, the imaging done, then restarts the computer.

"It looks like the laptop itself isn't being affected so we'll check safe pass now. As for the shocking, Maybe you just had some friction yourself and ended up shocking yourself since I don't feel anything. If that keeps happening, I'd call the company and talk to their team to make sure your laptop isn't a dud in their inventory." You nod as she searched safe pass and the software and programs on your laptop. 

"Is there anything there?" You lean closer, investigating the laptop yourself. She nods, then logs out.

"Honestly, everything looks fine. If anything, maybe the laptop just overworked itself. You said it was a paper so maybe it just gave out on you. You'll be okay going home with it, just keep an eye out." You smile and mutter a thanks before leaving.

While walking from the building, you huff out. You were sure you saw it. You were sure you felt it. Perhaps it was just overworking the laptop, it was a long essay.

The problem was, you thought you heard a laugh as well, one that sounded all too familiar. Too bad that memory was far too deep to resurface now.

A Simple Virus - BEN Drowned X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now