Chapter 5: The Plan

Start from the beginning

Yandy squealed in excitement and Trent gave me a jokers smile as they both congratulated me as if I won a Oscar. These two are a mess forreal. I chuckled slightly at the thought.

I rolled my eyes "Okay so what's the plan Yandy? You got my nerves about to pop with all this damn stalling" I said, passing the bottle to Trent.

She clapped her hands together "Okay, Tyron.. you need a girlfriend" she said grinning. Huh?!

I looked at Yandy like she lost her mind and Trent's expression mirrored mine. Sooo, her plan is for me to move on? Ugh, here I was thinking that she had actually had an idea to get Chasity back. I got my hopes up for nothing.

Yandy took another shot "Okay let me elaborate cause I see the confusion in both ya'll faces. I don't mean an actual girlfriend..I mean a fake girlfriend" she chirped, confusing me more now than she did the first time.

I pinched the bridge of my nose "Yandy what the hell do I need a fake girlfriend for? And where are we gonna get a fake girl from I can barley get my real one back" I said shaking my head. This is a terrible plan.

She smiled "A girl never likes competition. Chasity feels comfortable with her situation now because she feels that you don't want anybody else but her. She has her boyfriend and she kinda has you because you've made it known that you still have feelings for her" she said. I'm still not following.

"Yandy you're still not making sense" I stated. Ugh, now I have a headache.

She let out a frustrated huff before she placed the shot glass on the table and put the bottle of Ciroc to her mouth and took three big gulps. Okay, hello alcohol poisoning.

Trent snatched the bottle from Yandy before handing it to me, glaring at his fiance.

He frowned "You need to slow your role, you have to work tomorrow" he said sternly to her, making her roll her eyes.

She scoffed "Look I need some damn liquor for this situation because I'm getting real tired of ya'll not getting the point" she said.

I groaned "What point Yandy?! Stop talking in codes!" I exclaimed. She's been talking for 5 minutes but still hasn't said anything.

She sighed "Look I'm not suppose to be telling you this and I'm really breaking girl code right now, but this is a damn crisis and I honestly want you two to get back together. Okay so.... Chasity still loves you okay! She told me the night that you came over. She said that she loves you so much that she thinks about you while she's having sex with Marshall. And she said you have better pipe than him" she blurted out, making my eyes widen.

Wow...she said all of that? I couldn't stop the way my heart felt swollen after Yandy's words. So she does still love me. I knew it! I should've knew it when she kissed me back that day, but I wasn't sure if it was love or if she got caught up in the heat of the moment.  

I fought back a smile "So what is this fake girlfriend suppose to do?" I asked, taking a gulp of Ciroc straight from the bottle. Fuck it.

Trent raised an eyebrow at me "You too? I see some people don't like their liver" he mumbled, shaking his head. I don't drink like this often so I'm not worried about it.

Yandy waved her hand dismissing him "Anyway, the fake girlfriend is suppose to make Chasity jealous. She needs that push for her to come and react off of her feelings for you" she informed me.

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion "But isn't her kissing me a reaction to her feelings?" I asked, holding the bottle out for Trent, but he shook his head signalling that he didn't want anymore.

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