#14: "The Trial..."

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#14: "The Trial..."

Y/n's POV

I'm ready... For anything that comes I'm ready... Finn will go down...

He will fail...

—Good morning everyone.—The judge said.

I look to my left and Finn is standing there, in a fancy suit and his lawyer with him, behind him in the public... Millie is sitting, bitch, I take a deep breath and the trial starts.

—Mr. Wolfhard, could you come to the front?

He nods and goes in the front and sits.

—Mr. Wolfhard, Cristabelle Mary and Simon, are totally your kids, right?

—Yes, sir.

—You had them with your ex-wife, Y/n Y/l/n.

—Yes, sir.—He nodded.

—Could you say their ages?

—Cristabelle is 4 years old and Simon is 2.

—Now, Mrs. Y/l/n divorced you for cheating, right?

Finn gulped and looked down.

—Sort of...

—Sort off? Then what are these photos? Taken while you were still married with Mrs. Y/l/n.—He showed the photos of him and Millie.

—I... She is just a... Friend.—He seemed nervous.

—Of course, and friends kiss? They sleep with each other? They go to dates?

Finn gulped again and glared at me.


—Also... Mr. Wolfhard, you said that you are a man that would never hurt a woman, right?

—I would never.

—Then, can you explain all of these photos, taken by Mrs. Y/l/n, of her body all bruised up and some broken bones?

Finn started sweating.

—I... That wasn't m—

—It wasn't you Mr. Wolfhard?! What about this video that your own daughter took of you hitting Mrs. Y/l/n?!

He showed a video that Crissy took of Finn stomping on me.

—Finn stop please! Agh! It hurts stop please!—I heard myself yell and I started crying.

—Shut up! Fucking bitch! I hate you!

Finn looked mad, nervous...

He was doomed.

—Do you wanna say something, Mr. Wolfhard?

—I just... I just want my kids back...

—Oh, talking about your kids, they seem to not want you back...—He played another video.

—What do you think about your dad?

—Daddy Finn is evil... He hits mommy and makes her cry...—Crissy said.

—I hate him!—Yelled Simon.—He makes mommy feel bad and she bleeds, she always cries when she remembers him.

—We don't wanna see him, please, he would kill us.

—Your own kids words, Mr. Wolfhard.

Now it was my time to speak.

—Mrs. Y/l/n, is it true Mr. Wolfhard married you because you were more famous than him?

—That's right, his career was doomed, so he used mine to become famous again.

—Also, is it true that you were hit by him several times?

—Yes...—I took a deep breath.—Ever since I found the smell of another woman on his shirts and clothes, and told him about it, he started beating me up almost every day, he then tried to make it up to me with kisses or gifts, he always said he would change, that he... Loved me... But it would be the same the next day... The same yells, the same abuse. I even, got raped by him several times, that's how... That's how I got pregnant with Simon, by raping...

—How did he raped you, Mrs. Y/l/n.

—He...—I gulped.—He tied me down to the bed, opened my legs and...—I sobbed.

—Finn stop! Ahhh! It hurts Finn stop!

—Shut up! You're mine! You're my wife I can do anything I want to you!

—And... Pounded me... With no mercy... Until he was satisfied.

I looked down and started crying.

—The session is up, we'll wait for the final pronounce.

I sighed and stood up, Finn was glaring at me the whole time.

—That went okay, he's down.—Jack said.

—I hope so...

Finn was there with Millie, she looked nervous.

—Hey, don't worry. He's guilty.

—I know... He totally is...

A few hours later we were in again, the sentence was gonna be said.

—Sworn gentlemen, how do you find Mr. Wolfhard?—The judge said.

—Based on the evidence, videos shown and statements.—A woman said firmly.—We found Mr. Wolfhard.—I gulped.—Guilty.

—Finn Wolfhard, according to U.S.A law, I convict you of domestic violence, sexual abuse and psychological assault against Mrs.Y/l/n, and I sentence you to 45 years in jail, with no exit benefit for bail.

Finn stood up violently.

—Fucking bitch! I'll end you! I will kill you!

—Guards, get him out of here!—The judge said and they took Finn out.

—I will kill you and your kids! Fucking slut!—He kept yelling and Millie was crying a lot.

—We did it...—Jack hugged me.—It's over...

It's over...

Goodbye Finn...

Goodbye for ever....

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