#6: "Jack..."

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#6: "Jack..."

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe Y/n's post, and I can't believe that Finn cheated on her, such a beautiful girl doesn't deserve to be treated that bad...

I was driving to her home while thinking about their wedding.

They looked so happy... And their two kids are so cute, I love them so much.

Soon I was at her new house, I pulled up and got out, with two bags in my hand.

I knocked on the door and soon she opened it.

—Come in Jack!—She said happily.

—How had you been?

—Well... Now that good, but I'm happy now that you're here....

—I bought ice cream, Nutella and cookies.—She smiled.

—Thank you...—She hugged me and I heard her crying.

—Don't cry Y/n... Please...

—I just... I'm so stupid... I believed all his lies... I was so dumb...

—No, you're not...—I said cleaning her tears.—You are amazing, he is an asshole...

I had always been in love with Y/n, since we were in high school I had a crush on her, then it became love... But then she started dating Finn... And I couldn't with the pain...

Before they married, Finn told me that he didn't really loved Y/n, and that he was marrying her just because she was more famous than him, so that he could save his career...

I couldn't tell Y/n, she wouldn't believe me and she was so in love with him...

So I kept it as a secret and months later they got married... I didn't showed up to the ceremony, I couldn't see her in a white perfect dress, about to marry a liar, a cheater...

About a year later, they had Cristabelle, a beautiful girl who was just like her father...

I loved her a lot, she is beautiful, her personality is just like Y/n's.

Two years later, Simon arrived... But by that Y/n already knew about Finn cheating on her...

It really hurt me to see her crying over an asshole like Finn...

I always knew he was still in love with Millie, he has always been...

But now everything will be different... I will make her fall for me... She will be mine...

I'll heal her heart....

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