#3: "Clues"

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#3: "Clues"

Y/n's POV

3 Years Before

Today it's Cristabelle's first birthday, I'm so happy to have her, she is my beautiful little girl. She looks a lot like her father. Same eyes, same curly messy hair, even same nose.

—Happy birthday princess.—Finn said carrying her, she smiled and hugged him.—I love you, little woman.

I kissed his cheek but he didn't smell like he usually did, he smelled... Like a woman...

And it wasn't me...

I recognize that perfume...


I looked at him and he smiled.

—What is it baby?

—Nothing babe.—I faked a smile.

Crissy's party was nice, I served the cake and Finn helped me with the games.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about that smell. It smells like her I know it, all those months I shooted Grace's Luck with her I got used to her smell. But... Is it true? Is my husband cheating on me? No, no, he couldn't... Right?

I was looking at him, all smiley and playing with kids, some of them were Sophia and Wyatt's son, he was a beautiful red headed curly haired boy, with Soph's freckles.

Him and Crissy had know each other since they were born, so they are best friends..

—Y/n? You okay hun?—I heard Finn shake me out of my thoughts.

—Y-yeah I am...—I smiled and he pecked my lips.

—I love you...

Liar... You lie... Asshole...


I love him... I love him so much it hurts...

And I hate him....

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