#12: "Abuse"

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#12: "Abuse"

Still Flashback

The next day I woke up before Finn did, I made his breakfast and served it, he then came down, messing his hair.

—Good morning baby.

Fucking asshole...

—Good morning.—He gave me a kiss on the cheek and it stung.

—I'm so sorry for what I did last night baby, I don't know what happened to me.—He hugged me.

I didn't know what to say.

—Would you forgive me?

—Of course baby, I forgive you.

I'm so stupid...

But I love him...

—I will change I promise...

Two months later

—You said you would change Finn! You still smell to that bitch!—I yelled.

—Shut up! You can't control me! You're not the boss of me!

—I'm your wife! You promised to be true!

—Fuck off bitch! Promises are made for breaking!

—I hate you asshole!

That was it, I saw it in his eyes...

The rage... The anger...

—You bitch!—He came to me and I ran.

—No Finn stop! No! Stop!—I tried to scape him but I couldn't.

The beating was far worse...

The bruises hurt even more...

The blood was seeping...

The bones were broken...

This time I had like five broken ribs, along with my nose and an ankle...

My back hurts... My face is fucked up... My arms are weak...

—I hate you... Finn Wolfhard...

Five months later

—I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!—He kept yelling while he beat me up.

Now I didn't even bother on screaming or asking for him to stop...

I just gave up...

A year and a half later

—You are mine... Only mine...—He kept saying while he thrusted me.

With no mercy...

I was tied on the bed, like an animal...

Being raped by my own husband...

Bleeding and crying... And he didn't care...

So I just gave up...

I didn't had anywhere else to go...

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