the christmas spirit

Depuis le début

"mommy i have nothing for ella

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"mommy i have nothing for ella." aiden says sadly. "i thought you might have trouble so i picked this out." i say and show him this.

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"i think she'll like it!" he says and jumps up and down which makes me laugh

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"i think she'll like it!" he says and jumps up and down which makes me laugh. "mommy this!" evi shouts and holds up some random toy she found off the shelf. "baby i told you before we got here that we're not shopping for ourselves. you have to get a present for liam." i explain.

"liam get this. then i can steal it from his room." she tries to reason with me. "nope that's not how it works. i'm almost positive he doesn't want a barbie doll." i say which makes the other kids laugh a little bit. "he wants these." brandon says and hands me airpods.

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