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Izuku's POV

"I'll help you with your little problem as soon as Kacchan here lets go of me," I say, staring the blondie in the eyes.

He scoffs and lets go of me. Todoroki grabs him by the waist, pushing his dick against his ass.

Kacchan groans a bit, and I can't help but laugh a little. It's so funny watching him go from top to bottom so quickly.

"C'mon! Let's go already!" Kirishima says, seeming a bit eager and overwhelmed.

I laugh and go over to him, putting my arms around his neck, leaning my top half back enough for our bottom halves to touch. He groans a little too. Kirishima and Kacchan moaning at the same time is hot.

"Hey, Todoroki?" I ask.


"Do you think we should go back to my dorm yet?"

He smirks. "Naw."

I smirk back and look at Kirishima. He looks very frustrated. As he should be. That's how I like 'em most the time.

"Oi... the lunch period is about to end. If we're gonna leave now we better go..."

Kacchan does make a good point. I look at Todoroki who shrugs, so I sigh out.

"Fine. Damnit... I wanted to have some more fun... Oh well! Let's go."

I grab Kirishima's hand and start to lead him out the door. I can feel his stare on my ass... Actually, I can feel all their stares on my ass.

"Can I help you all?" I say, turning to look at them, still walking.

"You have a nice ass, Midoriya..." I feel one of them slap and grab it.

I stop to turn and see who it was, and it was Kirishima... That's not a big surprise.

"I know," I say, slapping his hand to continue walking. I'm still holding his other one.

"Feisty..." I hear him say, and I can't help but smile and shake my head. What a geek...

"Okay, so it's obvious that Midoriya has the best ass, but who has the best tits?" I hear Todoroki ask. I can't help but giggle.

"What kind of fucking question is that, half and half?"

"Kacchan. Kacchan has the best tits. Honestly, it took everything in me last night not to squeeze them," I say, looking back at the three.

Kirishima lets out a laugh, while Todoroki just studies Kacchan's chest.

"Stop looking at 'em, ya big perv!" Kacchan yells, shielding his delightful tits.

"Y'know... I bet I could top you, Kacchan."

He snorts. "Yeah, right! In your dreams."

I shake my head. "Really. I was the top in my last relationship. I will say he was more of a bottom than me, but I bet I could stick my dick in ya if I tried."

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