04 : FIX

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"nobody seems to get you,
you feel you're on your own, but listen
pretty lady you don't have to be alone."

- bmike


i watch as chaeyoung cleans a table from the restaurant she's currently working at. i formed a smile, what happened to the girl who doesn't even like to clean her own room when we're kids?

i remember how she would always complain when she's looking at my awfully messy room.

"kookie when will you ever clean your room?"

"if i'm not lazy i will clean your room."

those words will flash out of her mouth.

that time, i don't really have time to clean my room cause my mom was nowhere to be seen, so i have freedom to do what i want.

even as kids, she's lazy. talkative. and preppy.

those are the incredible and unique characteristics i like about her.

how her nose would scrunch whenever she hears, smell, or see something disgusting. how her eyes smile along with her lips. how she sings when she's upset or down. everything about chaeyoung just makes my heart remorse and gallops.

chaeyoung do you feel the same? does your heart skips three times when you see me? am i in your head? like you are in mine?

stupid, how will she know if i don't make my move?

not now, jungkook.

chaeyoung bows her head as she waves at her co-workers. her smiles withers when she opened the door and she looks dull.

what happened to you, love?

what happened to your smiles? to your laughs? to your happiness?

did someone took it away?

chaeyoung walks down the pavement, her head hanging low. i bit my lower lip as i slowly walk away from my hiding spot.

i feel like a mere stalker right now, but i couldn't care more. my feet make its way behind her, i can almost feel her warmth.

i missed you so much.

chaeyoung abruptly stops, i almost bump into her but gladly my senses is suprisingly still working. her eyes adverted somewhere and i closely follow where she's looking at.

the traffic lights.

my eyes soften, the flashing cars, red, green, and yellow lights emerging on top of our eyes. this reminds me of something familiar, this road.

this is where it'll end.

i'm afraid. so afraid.

after some time of walking, we reached the bus stop. it's not just the two of us here (not that i'm asking for it) and our shoulders collide. i can hear the fireworks in my lungs, the butterflies in my stomach, and that uncomfortable beating of my heart, all that for a simple contact.

what more if i can touch her? hug her? talk to her?

k-kiss her?

it seems so possible.

yet surreal.

a bus came, all of the people were pushing and desperate just to get in. we stayed still. i secretly look at her, i noticed how her eyes are staring at nowhere.

what is she thinking? is she okay? who hurt her?

questions that i want to ask but my mouth won't budge. another bus came and this time, we both walk in and when i came in, there's no proper sit but next to her.

fate is finally by my side. she's giving me a chance to talk to chaeyoung.

i took a sit beside her and she's looking at the window.

maybe drowning her thoughts out, overthinking, i don't know, but seriously chaeyoung. i wanna know.

let me comfort you.

i cough, she didn't noticed.

i fidget, she didn't noticed.

i hum, she didn't noticed.

i look at her, she didn't noticed.

my heart beats faster, she didn't noticed.

i am happy, she didn't noticed.

i love you, she didn't noticed.

chaeyoung went out of the bus, i saw her house. i waited for some house to pass by before i went out aswell. it's almost midnight hence, the environment is quiet and calming. i look up at her house.

the lights are off, curtains down, and i wonder what's going on. i found my way on her window, i know i'm such a creepy stalker, but for now, this is the only way i know to see her again.

to know her again.

i peek at her window. chaeyoung's on the floor, weeping, crying, sobbing, she's covering her eyes, afraid and vulnerable.

i wanna hold her and tell her that everything's going to be alright, that i'm here.

i'm here for her.

that i love and i miss her.

chaeyoung looks so broken and sad.

i want to fix her, i would destroy myself just to fix her again.

i would spend forever just to see her smile again.

i would kneel down to God asking for one more life just to be with her again.

cause i love her.

and i would die for her.

park chaeyoung,

do you remember me? the way i...remember you?

i watched as she falls apart. how she screams profanities, i can tell.

and that's the day i promised,

i'll fix you again before i go.

author's :
hello!! i am alive! suddenly, gummy's remember me reminds me of chaeyoung and jungkook's relationship in this book ryt now : , (((

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